SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 1

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

To solve this equation for x, you do whatever necessary to both sides of the
equation to get x all by itself on one side. Layer by layer you want to peel away
all those extra symbols and numbers around the x. First you want to get rid of
that cube-root symbol. The way to undo a cube root is to cube both sides:

The rest is easy. Subtract 6 from both sides and divide both sides by 8:

The answer is (A).

The test makers have a couple of favorite equation types that you should be
prepared to solve. Solving linear equations is usually pretty straightforward.
Generally it’s obvious what to do to isolate the unknown. But when the
unknown is in a denominator or an exponent, it might not be so obvious how
to proceed.

(E) 2.625

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