International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

non-experimental writing for children lies in the audience positions constructed within
texts. As experimental and metafictive features become more superficial aspects of a
texts construction, and hence more conventionalised and formulaic, the range of
interpretive positions inscribed in texts become increasingly restricted. Many of the
techniques and strategies which I have described are not in themselves ‘experimental’ or
‘metafictive’, though they have the capacity to function in these ways when used in
combination either with each other, or with particular discursive and narrational
modes. Metafictive and experimental forms of children’s writing generally utilise a wide
range of narrative and discursive strategies which distance readers from texts, and
construct implied readers who are more actively involved in the production of meanings.
By drawing attention to the ways in which texts are structured and to how they mean,
metafictions can potentially teach readers specific codes and conventions and
interpretive strategies with which to read and make sense of other, more closed, fictions.
Furthermore, to the extent that we use language and narrative to represent and
comprehend reality, as well as to construct fictions, metafictions can, by analogy, show
readers how representations of reality are similarly constructed and ascribed with


Britton, J. (1970/1972) Language and Learning, Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Genette, G. (1980) Narrative Discourse, Oxford: Blackwell.
Hunt, P. (1988) ‘Degrees of control: stylistics and the discourse of children’s literature’, in
Coupland, N. (ed.) Styles of Discourse, London: Croom Helm.
——(1991) Criticism, Theory and Children’s Literature, Oxford: Blackwell.
——(ed.) (1992) Literature for Children: Contemporary Criticism, London: Routledge.
Hutcheon, L. (1980) Narcissistic Narrative: The Metafictional Paradox, New York: Methuen.
——(1989) The Politics of Postmodernism London: Routledge.
Jones, D.W. (1982/1989) Witch Week, London: Mammoth.
Kemp, G. (1987/1989) I Can’t Stand Losing, Harmondsworth: Penguin.
LaCapra, D. (1980) ‘Rethinking intellectual history and reading texts’, History and Theory 19, 3,
Lewis, D. (1990) ‘The constructedness of texts: picture books and the metafictive’, Signal 61, 131–
McCallum, R. (1992) ‘(In)quest of the subject: the dialogic construction of subjectivity in Caroline
Macdonald’s Speaking to Miranda’, Papers: Explorations into Children’s Literature 3, 3:99–105.
McHale, B. (1987/1979) Postmodernist Fiction, London: Routledge.
Mackey, M. (1990) ‘Metafiction for beginners: Allan Ahlberg’s Ten in a Bed’, Children’s Literature in
Education 21, 3, 179–187.
Mark, J. (1990) Finders Losers, London: Orchard Books.
Moss, A. (1985) ‘Varieties of children’s metafiction’, Studies in the Literary Imagination 17, 2:79–92.
Moss, G. (1990) ‘Metafiction and the poetics of children’s literature’, Children’s Literature
Association Quarterly 15, 2:50–52.
——(1992) ‘Metafiction, illustration, and the poetics of children’s literature’, in Hunt, P. (ed.)
Literature for Children: Contemporary Criticism, London: Routledge.
Ommundsen, W. (1989) ‘Narrative navel gazing: or how to recognise a metafiction when you see
one’, Southern Review 22, 3:264–274.


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