International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Oneal, Z. (1980/1987) The Language of Goldfish, London: Gollancz.
Prince, G. (1987/1988) A Dictionary of Narratology, Aldershot: Scolar.
Stephens, J. (1991) ‘Did I tell you about the time I pushed the Brothers Grimm off Humpty
Dumpty’s wall? Metafictional strategies for constituting the audience as agent in the
narratives of Janet and Allan Ahlberg’, in Stone, M. (ed.) Children’s Literature and
Contemporary Theory, Wollongong: New Literatures Research Centre.
——(1992a) ‘Modernism to postmodernism, or the line from Insk to Onsk: William Mayne’s Tiger’s
Railway’, Papers: Explorations into Children’s Literature 3, 2:51–59.
——(1992b) Language and Ideology in Children’s Fiction, London: Longman.
——(1993) ‘Metafiction and interpretation: William Mayne’s Salt River Times, Winter Quarters and
Drift’, Children’s Literature 21:101–117.
Vygotsky, L.S. (1934/1962) Thought and Language, ed. and trans. E.Hanfmann and G. Vakar,
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Waterhouse, R. (1991) ‘Which way to encode and decode fiction’, Children’s Literature Association
Quarterly 16, 1:2–5.
Waugh, P. (1984) Metafiction: The Theory and Practise of Self-Conscious Fiction, London: Methuen.
White, H. (1987) The Content of the Form: Narrative Discourse and Historical Representation,
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

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