International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

intolerance, but in their own eyes, they are protecting innocent children and working for
the benefit of society.


Barry, P. (1992) ‘Censorship and children’s literature: some post-war trends’, in Hyland, P. and
Sammells, N. (eds) Writing and Censorship in Britain, London: Routledge.
Carpenter, K. (1983) Penny Dreadfuls and Comics, London: Victoria and Albert Museum.
Comstock, A. (1883) Traps for the Young, New York: Funk and Wagnalls.
DelFattore, J. (1992) What Johnny Shouldn’t Read: Textbook Censorship in America, New Haven,
CT: Yale University Press.
Dunae, P. (1979) ‘Penny dreadfuls: late nineteenth-century boys’ literature and crime’, Victorian
Studies 22, 2:133–150.
Jordan, A. (1948) From Rollo to Tom Sawyer and Other Papers, Boston: Horn Book.
Linder, L. (1987) A History of the Writings of Beatrix Potter, London: Frederick Warne.
MacLeod, A. (1983) ‘Censorship and children’s literature’, Library Quarterly 53, 1:26–38.
Nelson, J. and Roberts, G. (1963) The Censors and the Schools, Boston: Little.
Noble, W. (1990) Bookbanning in America, Middlebury, VT: Eriksson.
Pivar, D. (1973) Purity Crusade: Sexual Morality and Social Control, 1868–1900, Westport, CT:
Greenwood Press.
Rollin, L. (1992) Cradle and All: A Cultural and Psychoanalytic Study of Nursery Rhymes, Jackson,
MS: University Press of Mississippi.
Rousseau, J. (1762/1974) Emile, London: J.M. Dent.
Salmon, E. (1886) ‘What boys read’, Fortnightly Review 45, 1:255–256.
Smedman, S. (1990) ‘Like me, like me not: Gulliver’s Travels as children’s literature’, in Smith, F.
(ed.) The Genres of Gulliver’s Travels, Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press.
West, M. (1988a) Children, Culture, and Controversy, Hamden, CT: Archon Books.
——(1988b) Trust Your Children: Voices Against Censorship in Children’s Literature, New York:
——(1992) ‘Teaching banned children’s books’, in Sadler, G. (ed.) Teaching Children’s Literature:
Issues, Pedagogy, Resources, New York: Modern Language Association.

Further Reading

Baker, M. (1992) A Haunt of Fears: The Strange History of the British Horror Comics Campaign,
Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi.
Burress, L. (1989) Battle of the Books: Literary Censorship in the Public Schools, Metuchen, NJ:
Scarecrow Press.
Davis, J. (ed.) (1979) Dealing with Censorship, Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of
Hentoff, N. (1982) The Day They Came to Arrest the Book, New York: Delacorte.
Jenkinson, E. (1979) Censors in the Classroom: The Mind Benders, Carbondale, IL: Southern
Illinois University Press.
Miles, B. (1980) Maudie and Me and the Dirty Book, New York: Knopf.
Tucker, N. (ed.) (1976) Suitable far Children: Controversies in Children’s Literature, Berkeley, CA:
University of California Press.


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