International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Epstein, J. (1980) ‘Good bunnies always obey’: books for American children, in Egoff, S., Stubbs,
G.T. and Ashley, L.F. (eds) Only Connect, 2nd edn, Toronto: Oxford University Press.
Garrett, J. (1993) ‘Far-away wisdom: three nominees for the 1992 Andersen Prize’, The Reading
Teacher 46, 4:310–314.
Hibberd, D. (1972) ‘The Flambards Trilogy: objections to a winner’, Children’s Literature in
Education 8:5–15.
Kayden, M. and Glazer, S.M. (1979) ‘For whom the call tolls: the Newbery-Caldecott Awards from
the publishers’ viewpoint’, Top of the News 36, 1:35–42.
Lively, P. (1979) ‘Winning reflections’, Author 90, 2:70–71.
Murison, W.J. (1971) ‘Carnegie Medal’, Library Association Record 73, 8:162.
——(1973) ‘Carnegie Medal’, Library Association Record 75, 7:144.
Ray, C. (1972) ‘The Edge of the Cloud: a reply to Dominic Hibberd’, Children’s Literature in
Education 9:5–6.
Salway, L. (1976) ‘Kids’ Oscars’, Times Literary Supplement 16 July: 888.
Sayers, W.C.B. (1937) ‘The Library Association Carnegie Medal and Mr Arthur Ransome’, Library
Association Record 39, 5:218–219.
Smith, I. (1957) A History of the Newbery and Caldecott Medals, New York: Viking.
Stones, R. (1978) ‘The Other Award’, in Library Association, Study School and National Conference
Proceedings, London: The Library Association.
——(1988) ‘13 other years: the Other Award 1975–1987’, Books for Keeps, 53:22.
Taylor, J. (1981) ‘Extraordinary’, Library Association Record, 81, 11:540.
Thomson, P. (1985) The Children’s Book Award’, Books for Your Children 20, 2:24.
Townsend, J.R. (1975) ‘A decade of Newbery books in perspective’ in Kingman, L. (ed.) Newbery
and Caldecott Medal Books 1966–1975, Boston: The Horn Book.
——(1978) ‘Ten years of the Guardian Award’ in Federation of Children’s Book Groups Year Book,
Birmingham: Federation of Children’s Book Groups.
——(1980) ‘Standards of criticism for children’s literature’ in Chambers, N. (ed.) The Signal
Approach to Children’s Books, Harmondsworth: Kestrel.
Triggs, P. (1989) ‘Book awards—American style’, Books for Keeps 54:16.
Westall, R. (1979) ‘How real do you want your realism?’, Signal 28:34–46.

Further Reading

Campbell, A.K. D. (1990) Outstanding Children’s Books, Swansea: Librarians of Institutes and
Schools of Education.
Jones, D.B. (ed.) (1988) Children’s Literature Awards and Winners, Detroit: Neal-Schuman.
Manning, R. (1969) ‘Whatever happened to Onion John?’, Times Literary Supplement 4 December:
Moransee, J.R. (1983) Children’s Prize Books, Munich: Saur.
Morpurgo, M. (1992) ‘When the best is not good enough’, Times Educational Supplement 27
November: 10.
Powling, C. (1993) ‘Contemplating Carnegie’, Books for Keeps 82:3.

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