International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Kerrigan, M. (1993) ‘Words lost in a new landscape: why are so few translations of foreign books
popular in English?’, Times Higher Educational Supplement 1065:15.
Oittinen, R. (1991). ‘On the situation of translation for the child: the dialogue between text and
illustration’, USBBY Newsletter 16, 1:13–18.
Polushkin, M. (1974) ‘A few words on translation’, The Horn Book 50, 4:256–259.

Further Reading

Carus, M. (1980). ‘Translation and internationalism in children’s literature’, Children’s Literature
in Education 11, 4:171–179.
Corsaro, J. (1994) ‘Through others’ eyes: contemporary translated books’, Book Links 3, 3: 39–12.
Hood, R. and Jobe, R. (1987) ‘Moral decision making in children’s translated European war
novels’, International Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianship 2, 2:95–110.
Jobe, R. (1983) ‘Reflections of reality: literature in translation for young people’, English Journal
27, 1:22–26.
Lynch-Brown, C. (1991) ‘Translated children’s books: voyaging to other countries’, The Reading
Teacher 44, 7:487–492.
McElderry, M.K. (1973) ‘The hazards of translation’, The Horn Book 49, 6:565–569.
Nist, J. (1988). ‘Cultural bonds and serious themes in US translated children’s books: a study of
the first twenty years 1968–1987 of the Mildred L.Batchelder Award’, Bookbird 17, 4:5–8.
Oittinen, R. (1993) I Am Me—I Am Other: On the Dialogics of Translating for Children [Acta
Universitatis Tamperensis ser A vol 386], Tampere: University of Tampere.
Rudnik, M. (1981) ‘The winter when time was frozen and the art of translating’, Top of The News
38, 1:91–95.
White, M. (1992) ‘Children’s books from other languages: a study of successful translations’,
Journal of Youth Services in Libraries 5, 3:261–275.


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