International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Adults can read my books if they like, it doesn’t matter. I’m not interested in what
they think.
Nettell 1990:15


Adams, R. (1974) ‘Some ingredients of Watership Down’, Children’s Book Review 4, 3:92– 95.
Alexander, L. (1982) ‘Sex, violence, passion, misery and other literary pleasures’, The Advocate 1,
Ashley, B. (1986) ‘TV reality—the dangers and the opportunities’, International Review of
Children’s Literature and Librarianship 1, 2:27–32.
Bawden, N. (1987), ‘Through the dark wood’, in Harrison, B. and Maguire, G. (eds) Innocence and
Experience: Essays and Conversations on Children’s Literature 68–75, New York: Lothrop, Lee
and Shepard.
Bierman, V. (1991) ‘Authorgraph No. 69: Anne Fine’, Books for Keeps 69:16–17.
Blishen, E. (1975) The Thorny Paradise: Writers on Writing for Children, Harmondsworth: Kestrel
Byars, B. (1982) ‘Writing for children’, Signal 37:3–10.
Cameron, E. (1969) The Green and Burning Tree, Boston: Atlantic, Little, Brown.
Carroll, L. (1973) The Hunting of the Snark, Gardner, M. (ed.), Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Chambers, A. (1985) Booktalk. Occasional Writing on Literature and Children, London: Bodley
Clark, M. ‘Authorgraph No. 54: Paul Zindel’, Books for Keeps 54:14–15.
Colvin, S. (ed.) (1911) Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson, Vol. 1, London: Methuen.
Cooper, S. (1990) ‘How I began’, The New Welsh Review 2, 4:19–21.
Crouch, M. and Ellis, A. (1977) Chosen for Children, 3rd edn, London: The Library Association.
Dickinson, P. (1970/1976) ‘A defence of rubbish’, in Fox, G. et al. (eds), Writers, Critics and
Children, New York: Agathon/London: Heinemann Educational.
Egoff, S., Stubbs, G.T. and Ashley, L.H (eds) (1980) Only Connect: Readings on Children’s
Literature, 2nd edn, Toronto: Oxford University Press.
Elkin, J. et al (1989) ‘Cormier talking’, Books for Keeps 54:12–13.
Fearne, M. (1985) ‘Only the Best is Good Enough’. The Woodfield Lectures on Children’s Literature,
1978–1985, London: Rossendale.
Haviland, V. (ed.) (1974) Children’s Literature: Views and Reviews, London: Bodley Head.
——(ed.) (1980) The Openhearted Audience: Ten Authors Talk About Writing for Children,
Washington DC: Library of Congress.
Hearne, B. and Kaye, M. (1981) Celebrating Children’s Books, New York: Lothrop, Lee and
Heaton, C. (1988) ‘On the child’s side’, British Book News Children’s Books June: 2–5.
Heins, P. (ed). (1977) Crosscurrents of Criticism. Horn Book Essays 1968–1977, Boston: Horn Book.
Hunter, M. (1983) ‘A need for heroes’, The Horn Book Magazine 59, 2:146–154.
Le Guin, U. (1992) The Language of the Night, Essays on Fantasy and Science Fiction, rev. edn,
New York: HarperCollins.
Lewis, C.S. (1966) Of Other Worlds, London: Geoffrey Bles.
Mark, J. (1986) ‘Children writing’, Bookquest 9, 2:4–11.
Meek, M., Warlow, A. and Barton, G. (eds) (1977) The Cool Web: The Pattern of Children’s Reading,
London: Bodley Head.
Mills, C. (1992) ‘Authorgraph No. 75: Chris Powling’, Books for Keeps 75:16–17.


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