International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Hughes, Ted (1968) The Iron Man, London: Faber.
Newbolt Report (1921) The Teaching of English in England, London: HMSO.
Nodelman, P. (1988) Words About Pictures, Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Rosen, B. (1988) And None Of It Was Nonsense, London: Mary Glasgow.
Sendak, M. (1988) Caldecott & Co., London: Reinhardt.
Shedlock, M. (1915) The Art of Storytelling, London: John Murray.
Steiner, G. (1967) Language and Silence, New York: Atheneum.

Further Reading

Allen, D. (1980) English Teaching since 1965: How Much Growth? London: Heinemann
Benton, M. and Fox, G. (1985) Teaching Literature 9–14, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Fenwick, G. (1990) Teaching Children’s Literature in the Primary School, London: David Fulton.
Merrick, B. (1987) Exploring Poetry 5–8, Sheffield: NATE.
——(1991) Exploring Poetry 8–13, Sheffield: NATE.
Shayer, D. (1972) The Teaching of English in Schools, 1900–1970, London: Routledge and Kegan


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