International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Manning, D. and Casbergue, R. (1988) ‘Bibliotherapy for children in stepfamilies’, Clearing House
62, 3:124–127.
Mills, J. and Crowley, R. in collaboration with Ryan, M. (1986) Therapeutic Metaphors for Children
and the Child Within, New York: Brunner-Mazel.
Nell, V. (1988) Lost in a Book: The Psychology of Reading for Pleasure, New Haven: Yale University
Pantanizopoulos, J. (1989) ‘I’ll be happy when I’m thin enough’: the treatment of anorexia nervosa
in adolescent fiction’, ALAN 17, 1:9–10.
Pardeck, J. and Pardeck, J. (1984) Young People With Problems: A Guide to Bibliotherapy, New
York: Greenwood Press.
Segel, E. (1989) ‘Collaborations: putting children’s literature to work for children at risk’, in
Gannon, S., Thompson, S. and Thompson, R. (eds), When Rivers Meet: Selected Papers from the
1989 International Conference of the Children’s Literature Association, West Lafayette, IN:
Children’s Literature Association.
Schlager, N. (1977) ‘Predicting children’s choices in literature: a developmental approach’,
Children’s Literature in Education 9, 3:136–142.
Simsova, S. (ed.) (1968) Nicholas Rubakin and Bibliopsychology, Hamden, CT: Archon/ London:
Steedman, C. (1982) The Tidy House: Little Girls Writing, London, Virago.
Stone, L. (1977) The Family, Sex and Marriage in England, 1500–1800, London: Weidenfeld and
Sutton-Smith, B. et al. (1981) The Folkstories of Children, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania
Tabbert, R. ‘The impact of children’s books: cases and concepts’, Children’s Literature in Education
10, 2:92–102.
Wilber, K. (1986) Up From Eden: A Transpersonal View of Human Evolution, Boston: Shambhala.

Further Reading

Appleyard, J. (1990) Becoming a Reader: The Experience of Fiction from Childhood to Adulthood,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Crago, H. (1985) ‘The place of story in affective development: implications for educators and
clinicians’, in Curry, N. (ed.) The Feeling Child, New York: Haworth.
Holland, N. (1975) Five Readers Reading. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Lesnik-Oberstein, K. (1994), Children’s Literature: Criticism and the Fictional Child, Oxford: Oxford
University Press.


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