International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

archetypes 87–3, 164
Ardizzone, Edward 228, 558, 674
Argentina 872–5
Ariès, Philippe 16–16
Aristotle 44, 166
Armitage, Ronda 846, 847
Arnheim, Rudolph 117
von Arnim, Achim 728
Arnold, Edward 467
Arnold, Matthew 586, 587
defining children’s literature 16;
history of styles 118;
transforming social order 35;
visual arts 76
Arthur, King 165–1, 302–6;
retellings 169, 305
Arundel, Honor 384
Asare, Meshack 780
Ashley, Bernard 556
Asia 812–9
Asimov, Isaac 316
Association of Booksellers for Children 474–3
At the Very Edge of the Forest (Fox) 2
Atish, Rajendra Singh 804
Atkinson, J. 72
Attenborough, Liz 506, 507
Aubry, Claude 856
authors aims 548–60;
writing up or down to 18–1, 556–4
audio see multimedia
Auerbach, Nina:
Communities of Women 100
d’Aulnoy, Mme Marie-Catherine 149–4, 151;
Yellow Dwarf 147 , 149
Australia 831–52;
collections 541;
cultural response 78;
higher education 604–13;
journals 479, 486–5;
magazines 451;
myth and legend 162, 164;
native culture 657, 831–4, 836;
storytelling 535, 536
Australian Children’s Picture Book of the Year
Award 229
Austria 439–5, 743–6

aiming at the audience 548–8;
anonymity and traditional verse 173–9;
censorship 491;
changing relationship with implied reader
creation of child in book 10;
creation of readers 67;
effect of prizes 506–14;
effect of war and politics 647;
information books 430–7;
intentions 46;
intrusions into story 306; 396;
magazines for young authors 439;
major authors’ work for children 405–20;
market forces 8;
not in dialogue with reader 85–86;
prizes 505;
reader response to 9–10;
school visits 590;
series 76;
speak out on children’s literature 547–68;
symmetrical communication 18–1;
and texts 127;
therapeutic release 85, 86;
translation 512–2;
working with publishers 457;
on writing 547–60;
young 361–6
Avery, Gillian 18, 123, 367
Awa, Naoko 830
Awad, Farid Mohamed 782
Awdry, Rev. W.:
Thomas the Tank Engine 6–7
Axton, Richard 208
Ayckbourn, Alan 213
de Azcuénaga, Domingo 872

Bâ, Amadou Hampâte 793
Babar series (de Brunhoff) 228, 287
Babbitt, Natalie 22–6, 297
Baby-Sitters Club 51
Bacardí Moreau, Emilio 875
Bach, Richard 417
Bacon, R.L. 846
Bagnall, Jill 846
Bagnold, Enid:
National Velvet 359
Baker, Jannie 230
Baker, Julius Stafford 244


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