International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Bakhtin, Mikhael 127, 128
Baldwin (Ruth) Collection 543
Ballaga, Emilio 875
Ballantyne, R.M. 324, 325, 326–1, 416, 672,
680, 850
Balmaseda, Francisco Javier 875
Bangladesh 796–8, 804–17
Bankert, Birgit 19
Banks, Lynne Reid 384
Barbauld, Anna 143, 189
Al Barkuki 780–90
Barne, Kitty 361
Barnes, D. 72
Barrie, J.M. 673, 679, 680;
Peter Pan 204, 204, 211–17
Barron, Gerrit 871
Barthes, Roland:
circular memory of reading 131;
lost codes 127–2, 129;
polysemous texts 49
Bartolozzi, Salvador 717, 720
Barton, Charlotte 833–5
Basanjar, U. 812
Base, Graeme 290, 839
Batchelder Award 518
Baum, L.Frank 523;
The Master Key 311–16;
Wizard of Oz 471;
The Wizard of Oz series 865
Bawden, Nina 44, 370, 547, 675
Baxendale, Leo 247
Baykurt, Fakir 772
Beach, R. 76, 78
Beadle, Erastus Flavel 255–60
Beake, Lesley 790
The Beano (comic) 245
A Bear Called Paddington (Bond) 292
Beardsley, M. 70
de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Leprince 269
Bechstein, Ludwig 150, 730
Beckman, Gunnel 384, 699
Behrangi, Samad 784
Békés, Pál 768
Belgium 439
Belinsky, Vissarion 757
Bell, Anthea 514–2
Bell, George 465
Bell, R. 72
Belloc, Hilaire 196

Bell’s Life in London and Sporting Chronicle 238–
Belotti, Elena Gianini 750
Belsey, Catherine 45;
characters as authors of actions 46;
construction of the reader 48;
on history 29–3;
popular literature 50
Belykh, Grigory 760
Bemelman, Ludwig:
Madeline series 867
Ben-Ezer, Ehud 778
Benavente, Jacinto 718
Benedek, Elek 767
Benjamin, Walter 44
Benton, Michael 9, 72, 73, 76, 79–4;
ethnographic approach 78
Beowulf 169, 301
Berg, Leila 276
Berger, John 115
Bergman, Tamar 778
Berna, Paul 715
Beron, Peter 769
Berrios, Rubén 871
Berry, James 200, 879
Beskow, Elsa 697–7
Bessa-Luis, Agustina 724
Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood 541
Bettelheim, Bruno:
The Uses of Enchantment 87, 328, 534, 868
The Story of a Boy (Jefferies) 329
Bewick, Thomas 219, 221
Bhadheka, Giju Bhai 801
Bhagwat, B.R. 802
Bhushan, Reboti 798
Bianki, Vitaly 760
catechisms 267–2;
children’s versions 265–72;
hieroglyphic 266–1;
stories 264–9, 273–8
bibliotherapy 626–42;
development 629–9;
story and consciousness 627–7
Biegel, Paul 704
Biggles series (Johns) 330–5
Billy Bunter stories (Hamilton) 246, 349–4
Binch, Caroline 880

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