International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

prizes 502–10;
wordless books 460
Imae, Yoshitomo 828
Imanishi, Sukeyuki 828
Immel, Andrea 123
imperialism 652–2
In the Night Kitchen (Sendak) 379
India 796–15;
awards 505;
Bengali publishers 800–12;
Diwali storytelling 535;
Hindi publishers 799–11;
Kannada publishing 802;
magazines 449;
Malayalam publishing 802–14;
Marathi publishing 801–13;
myth and legend 162, 163;
Oriya publishing 803;
Punjabi publishing 804;
Tamil publishing 803;
Telegu publishing 804;
Urdu publishing 803–15;
visual response to story 657
Indonesia 18–2, 451, 812, 817
information books 427–41;
criteria 430–7;
criticism 434;
defining 427;
design 460–9;
as the fact bank 428–5;
narrative style 473, 474;
practical guides 430;
publishing 434–40;
purposes 428–7;
readership 432–9;
trends 435
information technology 619;
abstracts and indexes 488;
non- print books for special needs 641–50
Ingelow, Jean 422
Inglis, Fred 18, 35, 43
Ingpen, Robert 234, 839
Ingraham, Prentiss 257
Inokum, Yoko 24
International Board on Books for the Young
(IBBY) 519, 520, 651
International Youth Library 487, 538–7, 540
interpretation: Fish on 68
intertextuality 127–7

see also metafiction;
Anthony Browne 231;
game even for the young 10–12;
metafictive 3–4;
multimedia 522–1;
narrative techniques 396;
overreferential 132;
picture books 227;
reader response 79;
three main categories 128–3
Inui, Tomiko 828
Ionescu, Ángela 717, 718, 720
Iran 448, 661, 783–4
Iraq 454
Ireland 389–5, 686–8
see also Celtic mythology;
Irish language 688;
libraries 617;
storytelling 532
The Iron Man (Hughes) 8
irony 65
Irving, Washington 862
Iser, Wolfgang 48, 70–4, 70, 79–5, 434
Ishii, Momoko 828
Ishimova, Alksandra 757
Israel 448, 773–8
see also Jewish and Hebrew literature;
translated works 516, 517
Italy 748–60
see also Latin literature;
fairy tales 154, 155;
magazines 442;
translated works 516
Iwaya, Sazanami 827

Jackson, D. 73, 75
Jackson, Mary V. 122
Jadedeji, Remi 789
Jafri, Naheed 808
Jahnke, R.H. 846
Jalal, Othman 780
James, Henry 42, 44, 67, 424
James, Will 356
Jan, Isabelle 421
Janeway, James 138, 268, 668
Janikovszky, Éva 768
Jansson, Tove 541, 694
Japan 812, 826–42;
magazines 449–6;

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