International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Levy, Jonathan 210
Lewis, Corinth I. 871
Lewis, C.S. 378, 541, 548, 582, 676;
Narnia Chronicles 274, 308–12;
on writing 551, 554
lexical set 55, 58, 66
libraries and librarians 122–7, 607–31;
accommodation 620–9;
activities 617–7;
bibliography 122;
bibliotherapy 630;
in Britain 480–9;
censorship 494;
censorship or restricting access 490;
collections 540–53, 544;
criticism and reviews 608;
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
force behind prizes 502;
future prospects 623;
history 607–17;
importance and value of children’s libraries
information books 427, 432, 434;
information technology 619;
international promotion and sales 651;
journals 477, 480–9;
multi- culturalism 616;
National Defense Education Act 473–2;
prizes 506;
Public Libraries Act (1964) 612–1;
publishing economics 467;
rise of 224;
school 589;
schools 622–1;
special contribution to literature 609–18;
staffing 619–8;
storytelling 535, 618;
structure of services 613–2;
in USA 480;
users and public collections 615–5;
working with schools 621–30
libraries and libraries:
organisations and publications 545–4
Library of Congress 541, 543
Liebman, Irena 778
Lilly Rare Book Library 123, 543
Linden, Anne Marie 879–2
Lindenbaum, Pija 699

Lindgard, Joan 389, 679, 681
Lindgren, Astrid:
collection 541;
Pippi Longstocking 516, 698, 732
Lindgren (Astrid) Prize 519
Lindsay, Norman 834
Lingard, Joan 687
literacy 3, 74, 75;
creates market for publishers 346;
expanding 325;
falling rate 618;
family reading and social location 569–9;
international view 645;
and oral tradition 655–8;
and reading development 565–82;
religious worries about vulgar chapbooks
oral tradition 534;
and vulgarisation 44;
writing systems of different cultures 655
Lithuania 442, 769
A Little Princess (Burnett) 204, 204
Little Women (Alcott) 99–4, 341, 646, 865
Lively, Penelope 338, 554–2, 676;
on awards 506;
The Ghost of Thomas Kempe 296;
historical fiction 370
Lloyd, Edward 259
Lloyd, Errol 879
Lobato, Monteiro 873, 874
Lobe, Mira 745
Lobel, Arnold 376
Locke, Elsie 845
Locke, John 23, 138, 668, 711;
against fairy tales 147;
international influence 726, 860–3;
Some Thoughts Concerning Education 142–8,
Lofting, Hugh 314–19, 674;
Doctor Dolittle series 288, 498, 502
London, Jack 313, 421, 866;
animal stories 285–9
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 195, 862
Lönnroth, Elias 694
López Narváez, Concha 720
The Lord of the Rings (Tolkien) 306–12
Lorofi, G. 793
Low, A.M. 315


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