International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

In the Night Kitchen 379;
semiotics 565–6;
on space between illustration and text 592;
Where the Wild Things Are 4, 867
Senegal 793;
French language 649
Senghor, L.S. 793
series books:
censorship 493–2
Serraillier, Ian 332, 367, 675
Sesame Street (television) 528
Seton, Ernest Thompson 286, 850, 851
Setyawan, Dwianto 817
Seuss, Dr (Theodore Geisel) 472, 867
Sewell, Anna:
Black Beauty 280–5, 356
Sewell, Elizabeth 335
censorship 498;
fairy tales 153
adolescent romances 383–91;
adult and children’s literature 424;
AIDS and changing attitudes 386;
censorship 495–4;
pregnancy 386;
psychoanalytical criticism 87;
school stories 353–8
Shaarawi, Huda 532
Shakespeare, William 208
Sham, Mahmud 808
Shanab, Adel Abu 782
El Shandouly, Sameh Moussa 782
Shane (Schaefer) 421
Sharp, Evelyn 347
Shavi, Yaacov 778
Shavit, Z. 80
Shaw, George Bernard:
Androcles and the Lion 212
Shaw (Bernard) Prize 519
Shaw Childhood in Poetry Collection (FSU) 123
Shaw (John M.) Collection of Poetry 543
Shedlock, Marie 535
Shelley, Mary: Frankenstein 310
Shepard, Ernest 222
Sherlock, Philip 879
Sherwood, Mary Martha 271–6;
The History of the Fairchild Family 334–9
Shivprasad, Raja 799

Shmelyov, Ivan 759
Shôno, Eniji 830
Shrestha, Sidhi Charan 806
Shukovsky, Vasily 756
Shultze, Carl (‘Bunny’) 250–5
Shuster, Joe 253
Shyboub, Edvich 781
Sidney, Margaret 341;
The Five Little Peppers series 470
Sidney, Sir Philip 667
Siegel, Jerry 253
Siesicka, Krystyna 766
signed language:
and picture books 638–6
signs and referents 58–3, 93
Silver, Norman 390
Silverberg, Robert 420–7
Silverstein, Shel 200–4
Simha, Durga 802
Simon & Schuster Publishers 475
Sinclair, Catherine 335, 671
Sinfield, A. 31, 35
Singapore 450, 812, 814–7
Singer, Isaac Bashevis 413, 531, 543
skipping rhymes and games 182–8
The Slave Dancer (Fox) 19
Slemon, Stephen 105
Slovak language 444
Slovenia 444
Smart, Christopher 189
Smith, Charlotte 193
Smith, Dodie:
The One Hundred and One Dalmatians 288
Smith, Lane 236
Smollett, Tobias 680
Snorri Sturluson 307
social class 16, 25, 33;
middle-class bias 337, 341–6, 675;
Orwell on schools 344;
pony stories 357–2
social issues:
information books 429–6
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 274–
9, 423, 680
sociolinguistic codes 58–2
sociology 16, 25
Soresi, Domenico 748
South Africa 447–4, 790–1;
translated works 517

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