International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

South America 870–7, 877–90
Southall, Ivan 541, 547–6, 551, 836
Spain 443, 517, 648, 717–30;
fairy tales 155;
myth and legend 170
Speare, Elizabeth George 276, 367, 508
special needs 636–50, 651;
characters in books 640–9;
dual signed and printed books 638–6;
non-print books 641–50;
tactile books 639–8;
use of libraries 616;
for visually impaired 638–8
Spielberg, Steven 416, 868, 869
Spillner, Wolf 737
Spyri, Johanna 515;
Heidi 740
Squire, J.R. 71, 72–7
Sri Lanka 796–8, 808–21
Srivastava, G.P. 803
Stables, Dr Gordon 314
Stalky and Co. (Kipling) 347–1
Standing Conference of Young People’s Theatre
Steadman, Ralph 552
Steig, William 289–3
Steiner, George 587
Stephens, John 9, 42, 49, 80;
constructing the reader 48;
ideologies 51, 112;
reader only within text 80;
subjective position in text’s ideology 115
Stevenson, Robert Louis 196–197, 328–3, 382,
672, 680;
verses 673;
on writing 548
Storni, Alfonisa 872
Storr, Catherine 555
storytelling 2–2, 531–44;
art of 536;
audio cassette technology 529;
Australia 831–4;
bibliotherapy 633;
cultural continuation 535;
fairy tales 155–1;
history 30;
libraries 618;
Nigeria 659–9;
oral tradition 532–1;

picture books 227;
preparation 536–4;
renewal of storytelling 534–3;
in schools 590–9;
storytellers 531–40, 535
Stow, Jenni 879
Stowe, Harriet Beecher:
Uncle Tom’s Cabin 646, 864
Strachan, Ian 390
Strang, Herbert (G.H.Ely and J.L’Estrange)
329, 330
Stratemeyer, Edward 214, 493
Streatfeild, Noel 276, 336–1
Streit-Wortzel, Esther 778
Stretton, Hesba (Sara Smith) 272
Strittmatter, Erwin 737
structuralism 44–7
Strugatsky, Arkady and Boris 763
style 55, 66;
discourse 56;
methodologies 58;
sentence structure 64;
speech communities 56
Styles, Morag 103
Subero, Efraín 878
Suddaby, Donald 318
Sufism 532
Suksopa, Thepsiri 816
Sullivan, C.W. 297
Sun Yuxiu 821
Sunindyo 18–2
Superman (comic) 253–8
Sutcliff, Rosemary 18, 331–6, 364, 366–1, 423,
Sutton, Eve 845
Suyadi 817
Suzuki, Miekichi 827
Svirsky, Alekei 759
Swan, Ani 694
Swan, Gerald G. 246
Sweden 443–50, 697–8;
collections 541;
history 23, 690;
religion and morality 21;
translated works 516, 517, 517
Swedish Academy Prize 519
Swift, Jonathan 686;
censored 491;
Gulliver’s Travels 322


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