International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Tournier, Michel 716
Townsend, John Rowe 15, 508;
on awards 504;
criteria for judgement 43;
disputes among critics 25;
on Georgian lady novelists 100;
Gumble’s Yard 337;
on prizes 509;
on realism 558;
on writing 549–8, 554;
Written for Children xiii–2, 29
toys 292
Tracy, Mona 843
tragedy and catharsis 165
translation 511–28;
costs 518;
the Far East 812–4;
history of 515–5;
issues and developments 517–8;
number of titles falling 648;
picture books 517, 519;
process of 511–22
isolationism of English- language countries
Anthony Browne 231
Travers, P.L. 18, 674;
Mary Poppins 292–7, 498
Treadgold, Mary 361
Trease, Geoffrey 8, 41, 276, 675–5;
adventure stories 331;
historical fiction 366
Treasure Island (Stevenson) 328–3
Treece, Henry 367
Trevor, Meriol 276
Trimmer, Sarah 143, 152–8, 266, 422, 669;
Fabulous Histories 279–4;
reviews 478
Tring, A. Stephen 350
Trnka, Jivi 765
Tsuboi, Sakae 828
Tsubota, Jôji 828
Tucker, Charlotte Maria 272, 680
Tucker, Nicholas 18, 18, 75, 282
Tudev, L. 812–5
Tur, Evgeniya 758
Turk, Hanne 747
Turkey 448, 771–2

Turner, Elizabeth 192–6
Turner, Ethel 833
Tuwim, Julian 766
Twain, Mark 410–16, 544, 863;
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 330, 470–9,
censorship 492, 498;
Huckleberry Finn 206, 417, 424, 865
book design 456–7;
book jackets and binding 461;
metafiction 392, 401

Udall, Nicholas 209
Ukraine 444, 647
Umlauf-Lamatsch, Ammelies 743
Uncle Remus stories (Harris) 284, 470, 866
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe) 864
Ungerer, Tomi 715
United Arab Emirates 448, 782
United States 859–81;
before 1865 859–6;
Civil War to present 864–81;
critical journals 483–2;
cultural isolation 474, 517;
cultural poetics 33;
education journals 481–91;
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
fairy tales 155;
faith in books to cure problems 376–1;
family stories 338–7;
folk-tales 158;
higher education in children’s literature 598–9;
historical fiction 366–70, 367, 370;
journals 478–7, 485–4;
library history 607–17;
magazines 445–2, 470;
‘milk bottle versus Grimm’ critical
controversy 472–1;
National Defense Education Act 473–2;
New Historicism and cultural poetics 31;
twentieth century poetry 198–2
University of California at LA 123;
Newbery collection 543
Ural, Yalvaç 772
Urbaneja, Luis Manuel 878
Ure, Jean 353, 385;
on writing 554


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