Ancient Literacies

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


I am grateful to the editors and to Robert Kaster for good advice about

preparing this chapter for publication.


Baldwin, B. 1976. ‘‘Athenaeus and His Work.’’AClass19: 21 42.
Becker, W. A. 1838.Gallus, oder Ro ̈mische Scenen aus der Zeit Augusts. Leipzig.
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Birt, T. 1882.Das antike Buchwesen in seinem Verha ̈ltniss zur Litteratur, mit
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Blanck, H. 1992. Das Buch in der Antike. Beck’s archa ̈ologische Bibliothek.
Brockmeyer, N. 1973. ‘‘Die soziale Stellung der ‘Buchha ̈ndler’ in der Antike.’’
AGB13: 237 48.
Brown, P. M. 1993.Horace: Satires I. Warminster.
Cavallo, G., ed. 1989.Libri, editori e pubblico nel mondo antico: guida storica e
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de Bruyne, D. 1913. ‘‘Gaudiosus: un vieux libraire romain.’’RBen30: 343 45.
Dix, T. K. 2000. ‘‘The Library of Lucullus.’’Athenaeum88: 441 64.
Dupont, F. 1997. ‘‘Recitatioand the Reorganization of the Space of Public Dis
course.’’ In T. Habinek and A. Schiesaro, eds.,The Roman Cultural Revolution,
44 59. Cambridge.
Dziatzko, K. 1897. ‘‘Buchhandel.’’RE3: 973 85.
Fraenkel, E. 1952. ‘‘TheCulex.’’JRS42: 1 9¼Kleine Beitra ̈ge zur klassischen
Philologie, vol. 2 (Rome, 1964): 181 97.
Funaioli, G. 1914. ‘‘Recitationes.’’RE1A: 435 46.
Haenny, L. 1885.Schriftsteller und Buchha ̈ndler im alten Rom. 2nd ed. Leipzig.
Kaster, R. A. 1988.Guardians of Language: The Grammarian and Society in Late
Antiquity. The Transformation of the Classical Heritage 11. Berkeley.
Kenney, E. J. 1982.The Cambridge History of Classical Literature. Vol. 2:Latin
Literature. Cambridge.
Kleberg, T. 1967.Buchhandel und Verlagswesen in der Antike. Trans. by E. Zunker.
. 1973. ‘‘Book Auctions in Ancient Rome.’’Libri23: 1 5.
Marrou, H. I. 1976. ‘‘La vie intellectuelle au Forum de Trajan et au Forum
d’Auguste.’’ InPatristique et humanisme: Me ́langes, 65 80. Patristica Sorbo
nensia 9. Paris. (Reprint; first published 1932 inMEFR49: 93 110.)
Marshall, B. A. 1987. ‘‘Excepta Oratio, the OtherPro Miloneand the Question of
Shorthand.’’Latomus46: 730 6.

286 Institutions and Communities

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