Ancient Literacies

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Beil 1983; Bouquiaux Simon 2004; Camassa and Georgoudi 1988; Canfora
2004; Detienne 1988a; Didderen 2004; Didderen and Marganne 2007; Ehlich,
Coulmas, and Graefen 1996; Istasse 2004; Melve 2003; Mostert 1999; Thomas
1992; Turner and Parsons 1987.


Adams 1994, 2003b; Adams, Janse, and Swain 2002; Baslez and Briquel Chatonnet
1991; Clarysse 1993; Coldstream 1993; de Hoz 2006; Dupont and Valette
Cagnac 2005; Falivene 1991; Hanson, A. 1991; Kearsley 2001; Kraus 2000;
Rochette 1997; Sosin and Manning 2003; Swain 2004; Thompson 1992b.


See also: Tablets. Bartolome ́Go ́mez, Cruz Gonza ́lez Rodrı ́guez,and Quijada
Sagredo 2004; Blanck 1992; Bouquiaux Simon 2004; Cavallo 1999a, 1999b;
Cavallo and Hild 1997; Clarysse (LDAB); Didderen 2004; Didderen and
Marganne 2007; Dorandi 1997; Fehrle 1986; Fredouille et al. 1997; Gamble
1995; Ipert and Marty 2005; Irigoin 2001; Kenney 1982; Marganne 2004;
Martin and Vezin 1990; Petrucci 1995; Zelzer 2001.

Books: Bookroll Bastianini 1995; Birt 1882, 1907; Blanchard 1993; Capasso
1994, 1995, 1996, 1997b, 1998; Cavallo 1983; De Luca 2007; Del Corso
2006, 2007; Delattre 2005; Harrauer 1995; Johnson 2004, forthcoming;
Manetti 2006; McNamee 2001, 2007; McNamee and Jacovides 2003; Palme
2007; Suerbaum 1992; Turner 1980; Turner and Parsons 1987; Williams 1992;
Zanker 1993.

Books: Buying; Selling Fedeli 1992; Kleberg 1989; Marganne 2007; Phillips,
J. 1985; Starr 1990.

Books: Codex Autenrieth 1995; Blanchard 1989; Haran 1996; Harris, W. 1991;
Hurtado 2006; Resnick 1992 3; Roberts and Skeat 1983; Turner 1977; Voss

Books: Production; Publication See also: Libraries/Collections. Bozˇicˇ and
Feuge`re 2004; Cambiano, Canfora, and Lanza 1992 6; Cavallo 1989a, 1992,
1996; Cavallo, Fedeli, and Giardina 1989 94; Cerri 1991; Dorandi 1991,
1993, 2000; Dortmund 2001; Fedeli 1992; Finkelberg 2006; Fowler 1995;
Heyworth and Wilson 1997; Kleberg 1989; Lama 1991, 2007; McDonnell
1996; Murphy 1998; Phillips, J. 1981; Pinto 2006; Porciani 2005; Rouse and
Rouse 2000; Salles 1992; Starr 1987; Stephens 1988; White 1996.


See also: Vindolanda. Evans 1987; Hanson, W. and Conolly 2002; Ingemark
2000 1; Mann 1985; Raybould 1999; Willis 2005.

Literacy Studies in Classics 343

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