Ancient Literacies

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
2004; Naddaf 2000; Nightingale 1999; Osborne 1999; Papakonstantinou
2002; Perlman 2002; Robb 1994; Ruze ́2001; Sickinger 2002; Thomas 1995;
Volonaki 2001; Whitley 1997, 1998.

Lead Letters

Chadwick 1990; Harris, E. 2005; Jordan 2000, 2003; Rodrı ́guez Somolinos 1996;
Sanmartı ́and Santiago 1987, 1988b, 1988; Wilson 1997 8.


Bagnall 1992; Baratin and Jacob 1996; Baurain 1992; Bellier Chaussonnier 2002;
Blanchard 1993; Cambiano, Canfora, and Lanza 1992 6; Canfora 1989b, 1992,
1993, 2004; Casson 2001; Cavallo 1998; Chartier 1994; Daris 1995; Del Olmo
Lete 2005; Dix 1988, 2000, 2002; Dix and Houston 2006; Dorandi 1995; El
Abbadi 1992; Fedeli 1988; Funghi and Messeri Savorelli 1992; Grafton and
Williams 2006; Gratien and Hanoun 1997; Hoepfner 1996, 2002; Houston
2002, 2004, 2007; Jacob 1991, 1997, 1998, 2000; Johnson 2006; Legras 1997;
Longo Auricchio and Capasso 1987; Marganne 2003; Meneghini 2002; Mielsch
1995; Neudecker 2004; Nicolai 2000; Otranto 1996, 2000; Pesando 1994;
Puglia 1996, 1998; Sider 2005; Staikos 2005; Strocka 1993, 2000; Tlili 2000;
Too 2000; Vo ̈ssing 1997; Waring 2002; Wolter von dem Knesebeck 1995.

Linear A

Haarmann 1995; Michailidou 2000 1; Uchitel 2003.

Linear B

Davies, A. 1986; Driessen 1992; Godart 2001; Godart and Tzedakis 1989;
Haarmann 1995; Palaima 1987, 2003.


(i.e., the uses of literacy, significance of literacy, extent and spread of literacy).See
also: Bilingualism, Epigraphical Evidence, Writing/Writers. Adams 1999; Ander
sen 1989; Bartoneˇk 1996; Bowman 1991, 1994b; Brandt 1990; Burns 1985;
Campbell 1995; Camporeale 1992; Corbier 1991; Cornell 1991; Curchin
1995; Dubuisson 1991; Goody 1994; Gu ̈nther, Ludwig, et al. 1994; Haarmann
1995; Hannah, R. 2001; Hanson, A. 1991; Harris, W. 1989a, 1989b; Havelock
1986; Horsfall 1989, 1991; Humphrey 1991; Jahandarie 1999; Konishi 1993a;
Kraus 2000; Pe ́barthe 2006; Purcell 1995; Santirocco 1986; Slater 2002;
Thomas 1992, 2001a; Waring 2002; Woolf 2000.

Literate/Literary Culture

See also: Scholarship (Ancient). Amodio 2004; Baumann 1986; Benz 2001; Binder
2003; Birt 1882; Braund 2000; Braund and Wilkins 2000; Bulloch, Gruen,
Long, and Stewart 1993; Capasso 1997a; Cavallo 1988a, 1989b, 1991; Cavallo

Literacy Studies in Classics 347

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