Ancient Literacies

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Figure 2.2Athenian Agora XXV,Ostraka, no.1097.

no.768 (Lang 1990, fig. 23): ̈ìØóŁïå ÖæåÆæØïò an attempt at
̈åìØóŁïŒºåò ÖæåÆæØïò. Spindly, uncertain writing. (See figure 2.3.)

Figure 2.3Athenian Agora XXV,Ostraka, no.768.

no.762 (Lang 1990, fig. 23): ̈åìóŁïŒºåò ÖæåÆæØïò written retrograde,
but the sigmas still face forward; iota missing in Themistokles’ name.
Far less impressive on the sherd than the modern text implies. (See
figure 2.4.)


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