Ancient Literacies

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Aristotle, 145, 145n7, 235n11, 243, 245,
Arrian, 109
Ars Amatoria(Ovid), 126n45, 160
Ars Poetica(Horace), 213n 113
assertoric force, 393 394
Athenaeus, 96, 100, 109, 329n15, 345
Deipnosophistae,96, 110, 111
Athenian Tribute Lists, 33, 34
Athens, 15 16, 335
Atrectus, 275n21, 279n 34
Attic Stelai, 34
Atticus, 203, 203n64, 208 209, 336
Auctus, Pompeius, 207n 82
Auditorion, at Ephesos, 85 88, 85n50,
85 n 54
Augustine, 190 191n12, 198n 38
Confessions, 211
Augustus, 52, 70, 156 157
at Gate of Mazaeus and Mithridates, 72,
72 n14, 74
and reading, 205n70, 212n102, 224,
224 n 155
alienation of, 174, 179, 183, 398
book merging with, 145

Babatha, 49
Bacchylides,DithyrambsandEncomia, 257
banking archives, 334
banking literacy, 4, 16, 17 18, 42
Basilius, 126
Behistun, 48
Berezan lead letter, 25
Bernardini tomb, 116n 11
bibliography, 236n13, 243n 30
bibliopola, 269
Bibliotheca Ulpia, 82n 41
bilingual inscriptions, 72n 13
in Ephesos, 69, 70, 70n7, 75 77, 75n25,
at Gate of Mazaeus and Mithridates, 72,
74, 75
at Library of Celsus, 80 81, 80n 35
bilingualism, 75, 75n22, 343
in Ephesos, 69, 70, 75
in Roman empire, 75, 75n22, 75n 23
Blackfoot tribe, 392
board games, 125 126, 125n41, 126n 44
book, 9, 144, 145 147, 153 155, 208, 343
Alexandrian style of, 144, 145, 162
alienation of author from, 174, 179, 181,
and anxieties by authors, 6, 165n3, 166,
171 173, 179 181, 183 184

as autonomous object, 143 145
and bookshops, 144, 152, 154 156, 162,
271, 271n 7
and buying public, 272 273
circulation of, 179, 188 189, 189n6,
193 194, 336
for circulation of literature, 189n6,
206 208, 212 217, 214n120,
215 n121, 217n130, 219
and different ways of ‘‘reading,’’ 194 195,
195 n
fate of, 175, 179
fragility of, 144, 152, 153 154, 157, 158,
161, 162
as gift, 149 153, 156, 162, 174 175,
174 n20, 182
and immortality of poet, 160 162,
164 165, 168n10, 183, 184
and importance of in Roman literature,
199 n 43
import/export of, 272, 272n 10
and library, 151, 152 153, 157 158,
160 162
materialbeautyof,149,154,170 172,179
as material object, 156 158
as messenger, 156 157
as object, 148 149, 152 155, 158, 162
and patron, 144, 152 153, 175, 183 184
production of, 278, 336, 343
publication of, 336, 343
as support for text, 145, 147, 148, 151,
153 154, 156 158, 162
and writing, 143 144
book collection, 6 7, 233
duplicates in, 257, 257n 65
existing for extended period of time, 257,
257 n 61
formation of, 251, 255 256
organization of, 241, 243, 243n28, 244,
244 n33, 245, 245n38, 246
as private collection, 241n26, 337
range of sizes of, 240
booklist, 236, 241
as aid for users of large collection or
library, 237, 237n 17
from Apollinopolis Magna, 240
authors frequently mentioned in, 240n 20
authors in, 235, 235n11, 236, 239n2,
239 n4 239n6, 240, 240n21, 241, 244,
244 n34, 245
of authors of comedy, 241, 242f
of book collections, 238 239t
compiled by Otranto, 234, 240
compiled from book collection, 245,
245 n37, 245n 38

416 General Index

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