Ancient Literacies

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

information provided by, 241, 243
as inventory, 246 247
of library’s book collection, 241, 241n 23
omissions from, 241, 241n 23
organization of, 241, 244 245, 244n36,
papyrological evidence of, 234
repetition in, 241, 241n24, 241n 25
theories on purpose of, 236, 237
bookroll, 5 6, 335 336, 343
damage to from use, 167, 167n6, 277
performance copies of, 209, 209n 89
See alsobook
bookseller, 7, 271, 275 276, 276n22, 343
and book fraud, 280 282, 282n 43
Cicero on, 273 274, 273n14, 273n 15
dependence of poet on for circulation of
work, 166, 279, 279n 35
libraries using services of, 276n 23
librariusas, 269, 269n 4
Lucian on, 275, 282n 43
and publishing, 278, 279, 279n 34
and quality of books, 278
in Rome, 268, 273 274, 273n14, 273n15,
275 n 21
use of stenographers by, 279 280
bookshop, 7
advertisements by, 277 278
as gathering place, 274 275, 275n 19
location of in Rome, 271, 271n8, 271n9,
and quality of books, 273 274
role of in fate of book, 144, 152, 154 156,
books of prayers, 144
book trade, 268
in Paris, 272, 272n 12
in Rome, 273, 273n 14
boule^,37n53, 38, 38n56, 39
Breccia, Evaristo, 261n 79
Breccia 1932 collection, 251, 258
age of manuscripts found in, 248, 248n46,
and recycled documents, 257, 257n 64
Britain, 343
and writing, 53 56, 53n 27
Brutus, 160

Caecilius, 224
Caesar, Julius
Commentaries, 148
and public library, 276n 23
and reading, 198, 198n 39
unauthorized address of circulated, 279
and writing, 63, 148

Callias decree, 33
in booklists, 240n20, 244n34, 245
Coma Berenices,176 177, 177n 26
Customs of the Barbarians, 146
in Grenfell and Hunt’s second find, 258,
impact of on Roman poets, 166
and importance of writing, 180 181
and library in Museum of Alexandria, 145
as model of new relationship with books,
Pinakes, 243 n 30
poems by, 146 147
Callinichus, 240n 21
and book as gift, 150 151, 175, 218
Catullus on, 172, 218
andludus poeticus, 127
Camarina, 15
Cambridge History ofClassical Literature,187
Carneades, 106
Casina(Plautus), 320
Catasterismi(Piso), 204n 67
Catilina(Sallust), 326 327
Cato the Elder
On Agriculture,51, 64
and stories of ancientcarmina, 191 n 14
Cato the Younger, and reading, 196,
196 n30, 198
onAnnales(Hortensius), 155 156
and anxiety over books, 165, 165n3,
166 170, 179 181, 183 184
and anxiety over books’ fate, 164 165,
168 169, 168n8, 171 174
and book as gift, 150 152, 175
and books as means for circulation of
poetry, 219, 219n 139
on bookshop, 274
dedication of poems by, 151 152,
174 175, 175n23, 176, 178 179, 181
and dissociation between writing and
speech, 149
elegiac narrative of, 177, 177n 27
epigrams of, 148
and exemplary narrative, 173n 16
andludus poeticus, 127
and material beauty of book, 167 172
and oral performance, 206
Passer, 167 n 7
and poetry transcending physical
materials, 172 173n 13
on reading, 212, 218, 218n137, 220,
224 n 155

General Index 417

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