Ancient Literacies

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Catullus (continued)
and satirist’s stance of abjection, 171n 12
on singing, 175 177, 179 181, 184
on Suffenus, 170 172
on Volusius, 172, 173n 16
onZmyrna(Cinna),155 156,165,169 170
Cave of Letters, 49
Cebes, 239n 5
Celer, Aemilius, 296
Celsinus, Julius, 322
Celsus, Tiberius Julius
dedication of Library of Celsus to, 78, 82
and inscriptions on Library of Celsus,
80 81, 80n34, 80n 35
sarcophagus of at Library of Celsus, 80,
80 n 33
statues of at Library of Celsus at Ephesos,
archives, 334
and documentation, 63, 63n 48
Cercidas, 258
chain of performances, 97
Charisius, 306
Chariton, 251n 53
Charmides, 102 103
Charmus the Syracusan, 100
chreia,100 105, 105n 23
Christianity/Christian writings, 344
Chrysippus, 245, 273, 274
Cicero, 135n64, 206, 275n20, 280, 320
and books as means of in circulating
literature, 215n121, 217, 217n 135
on booksellers, 273 274, 273n14, 273n 15
circulation of works without approval of,
173 n17, 279
De Gloria,208 209, 209n 88
De Oratore, 123 n32, 297n 22
on Ennius’s use of acrostic, 131 132
and fictive/real utterance, 148
onlibrarii, 269
library of organized by Tyrannio, 274n 16
on lucubration, 324
and performance of poetry, 201n53, 204,
204 n68, 213n 109
on poetry as part of conversation, 204n68,
in Pompeian graffiti, 299n 25
on reading, 196, 196n30, 197, 197n33,
198, 198n41, 208 209, 209n88,
211 n97, 213, 214, 224n 155
on Tyrannio as book specialist, 275
use of termparadoxonby, 104
on writing, 123n32, 293
Cinna, C. Helvius, 172, 179

Zmyrna,155 156, 165, 169 170, 218
citizen literacy, 16
Civita(Pompeii), 302
Claudius, 75, 75n 23
Clearchus, 100
Cleinias decree, 38
codex, 144, 336, 343
Coinage Decree, 39
coin legends, 54, 55, 63
colonization, and documentation, 63, 63n 48
Coma Berenices(Callimachus), 176 177,
177 n 26
commentaries, writing of, 211n97, 218
Commentaries(Caesar), 148
commercial literacy, 4, 16, 25 30, 41, 64,
communication, 339, 344
‘‘communicative practices,’’ 3n 5
constructing literacy, 69
convivia, and reading as entertainment, 187,
203 206
copyists, 166, 273 274
Corcyrean lead tablets, 26
‘‘craftsman’s literacy,’’ 15, 15n 4
Crete, 344
crisis letter, 25
critical reading, 400
Crito, 239n 5
cultural gatekeepers, 327
cuneiform, 335
curse tablets, 15 16, 54, 56
Customs of the Barbarians(Callimachus),
Cynic philosophers, 101
Cyprus, 334, 335, 344
Cytheris (Lycoris), 201n 53

dactylic hexameter, 126, 294
Damianos, 87 89
De Gloria(Cicero), 208 209, 209n 88
De grammaticis(Suetonius), 285
Deipnosophistae(Athenaeus), 96, 110, 111
della Corte, Matteo, on Pompeian graffiti,
300 301, 305 306
Demetrius of Phaleron, 145
democratic literacy, 16
Demonax(Lucian), 101
Demosthenes, 240n20, 244, 258
Against Timotheus, 17
De Oratore(Cicero), 123n32, 297n 22
Dido, in Pompeian graffiti, 297, 309
Diogenes, 101, 245
Diomedes, 306
Dionysios of Miletos, 86n59, 87n62, 89
burial of at Ephesos, 77n27, 87

418 General Index

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