Ancient Literacies

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Dionysius, Sextus Peducaeus, 268, 275n 21
Dionysius of Alexandria, 276n 24
Dionysius of Halicarnassus, 100
Dio of Prusa, 240
diorthotes, 255
‘‘documentary mentality,’’ 62 63
Donatus, 306
Dorus, 275n 21
and circulation of in books, 217n 133
performances of for entertainment, 205,
205 n 70
Dressel 20 amphorae, 57 58, 61
Duenos, 116
duodecim scripta(‘‘twelve written things’’),

Eclogues(Vergil), 148, 180 181, 183, 184,
201, 201n53, 202
in Pompeian graffiti, 298 299, 316 317
economic system
and need for writing, 61, 64
education, 36n49, 344
Egypt, 234n4, 345
and alphabetic numerals, 335
and writing, 48
election notices
in Pompeian graffiti, 291, 295f,295 298,
295 n21, 296 298, 297n23, 300,
301 n32, 302, 309
elegiac couplet, 21, 158
in Pompeian graffiti, 294 295, 301n 32
elegiac narrative, of Catullus, 177, 177n 27
elegiac poetry, and tradition, 114 115
Emporion lead letter, 25, 26
Ennius, 191n 14
and acrostic on name, 131 132
Annales, 210 n 95
and books as means for circulation of
poetry, 219n 139
Iphigeneia, 322
in Pompeian graffiti, 298 299
and recitations, 210n95, 211, 211n 96
enonce, 146 n9, 148
enonciation, 146 n9, 148
and dramatic performances, 205, 205n 70
and musical performances, 205
and poetry, 187 188, 204 205,
204 n67 204n 69
and readings, 187, 191, 203 206,
203 n64, 203n65, 203n 67
and recitations, 205, 210, 210n 94
Agora at, 87

Altar Building at, 83
bilingual inscriptions at, 70, 70n7, 72, 74,
75 77, 75n25, 80 81, 80n35, 88
book collections and libraries from, 233
burial within city of, 77n27, 87, 87n 61
importance of, 69, 70
inscriptions at, 5, 70, 70n7, 75 77,
75 n25, 85, 85n50, 89
plaza at, 71f, 73 f, 76 f, 79 f, 84 f
round monument at, 77
stoa at, 75 77, 75n 25
U shaped building at, 83 86, 83n48, 85,
85 n50, 86 87
water clock at, 77, 77n 27
Ephorus, 258
Epicharmus, 241, 257n 65
epigram inscriptions, reading of, 70,
70 n 10
of Catullus, 148
of Martial, 148
of Ovid, 167n 7
of Palatine Anthology, 147 148
of Posidippus, 335, 337
epigraphical evidence, 345
epigraphic writing, 120
Epiropa, Q. Caelius, 203n 59
Epistles(Horace), 272n10, 277, 277n25,
Erotic Letters(Alciphron), 110
Erotic Letters(Philostratus), 110
Etruria, 345
and alphabet, 334, 335
and writing, 116, 117, 118t, 119
Eudoxou tekhne^, 135
Eudoxus, 135
euergetistic monumentality, 53
Eunapius,Lives of the Philosophers, 109
in booklist, 236, 240n 20
in Grenfell and Hunt’s finds, 257n62,
257 n63, 258
in Herculaneum graffiti, 294, 294n 19
Trojan Women, 100
exemplum, 105
Ex Ponto(Ovid), 160

Fannius, 208n 85
fasti, 144
Favorinus, 89, 104, 326 327
fictive utterance, 5, 147, 148, 153 155,
158 162
First Fruits decree, 33
formatting, standardized for documents,
56 57

General Index 419

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