Ancient Literacies

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Forum at Timgad, 125
Four Hundred, the, 32
Fronto, Cornelius, 321 322, 327n11, 329,
functional literacy, 16 17, 23, 28 30, 36, 42

Galen, 96, 329n 15
on bookshops, 271, 275, 275n19,
275 n20, 283 285
on circulation of unauthorized books,
173 174n 17
on oral speech, 100
and shopping district, 274n 18
gaming tokens, 55
Gate of Mazaeus and Mithridates (Ephesos)
alteration of, 78, 78n 29
bicultural aspects of, 74, 88
dedication of, 72, 72n14, 74, 74n 20
inscriptions on, 72, 72n12, 74, 75
Gellius, Aulus, 251n51, 272n10, 346
Attic Nights,7, 320 329
and being ‘‘Roman,’’ 324, 327
on bookshops, 275, 275n20, 282,
284 285
and ‘‘classics,’’ 327, 327n 11
and literary community, 7, 320 323, 327,
and lucubration, 323 324, 328
and oratory, 325
on reading, 211n101, 323 328
on recitations, 211, 211n 96
Gemelli(Laberius), 320
Georgics(Vergil), 121, 121n26, 131, 202
in Pompeian graffiti, 299, 299n26, 317
glandes,118, 118n, 119
Goody, Jack, 3, 386, 389, 390, 398
Gorgias(Plato), 236 237
Gracchus, Gaius, 320, 325
grain distribution
and archives, 334
and documentation of in Roman empire,
and need for literacy, 40 41
grammarian, 7, 275, 285n47, 340
in bookshops, 275, 275n20, 284 285
in Gellius’sAttic Nights,322, 326
at libraries, 276, 276n 24
Greek alphabet, 334 335
Greek inscriptions, influence of, 120n 22
Greek poetry, and lists, 28n35, 30
Greek writing
sources of, 118t, 119
uses of, 117
Grenfell, Bernard, 247
See alsoGrenfell and Hunt’s literary finds

Grenfell and Hunt’s literary finds, 247 248
and annotations, 257n62, 258 260,
258 n68, 259, 259n 72
dates of, 255, 260
and first find, 257, 257n62, 257n 63
and omissions, 258, 258n 67
and recycled documents, 257n 63
and scribes, 252 254t,255 256,
256 n56 256n58, 257 258, 257n63,
258 n66, 259, 260
and second find, 250, 250n48, 251,
252 254t,255 261, 256n56 256n58,
258 n66 258n68, 259n72, 259n74,
261 n80, 262 264t
gymnasia, libraries of, 243n 26
gymnasium exedra, 86

Hadrian, 87n61, 327n 11
‘‘Hadrian’s Gate’’ (Ephesos), inscriptions
on, 82 83, 82n43, 82n44, 83, 85
Hadrian’s Wall, 54
Harpocration, 240n 21
Harris, William, 8
Ancient Literacy, 3
on ‘‘craftsman’s literacy,’’ 15, 15n 4
oninstrumentum domesticum, 53 n 26
Havelock, Eric, 3, 9, 393, 397
The Literate Revolution in Greece and Its
Cultural Consequences, 386
Heliodorus, 103
Hellenica Oxyrhynchia, 257 n 62
Heracles of Herodes/Agathion, inLives of
the Sophists(Philostratus), 106 107
Herakleitos, 69
Herculaneum, 346
graffiti from, 291n5, 294, 294n 19
papyrological evidence from, 234n4, 335
Herodes Atticus, inLives of the Sophists
(Philostratus), 106 107
Herodotus, 240n20, 258, 345
heroon, at Ephesos, 77, 80
Hesiod, 345
in booklists, 240n20, 244n34, 245
in Grenfell and Hunt’s second find, 258,
hexameter, 126, 294
at house of Fabius Ululitremulus
(Pompeii), 294, 299, 300f,300 303
Hierocles, 240n 21
hieroglyphic Hittite, 335
Hipponax, 69
Homer, 320, 334, 345
in booklists, 236, 239n2, 239n4, 240n20,
244 n34, 245
in Breccia 1932 collection, 257, 257n 64

420 General Index

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