Ancient Literacies

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

and creation of Greek alphabet, 334
in Grenfell and Hunt’s second find, 258,
258 n 67
Iliad,97 98, 257, 257n64, 334
Odyssey, 239 n2, 239n4, 334
performances of works of, 214n 119
and Relief of Archelaos, 81, 81n 37
Homeric poems, 335
Homeric Question, 341
Ars Poetica, 213 n 113
and book as gift, 152 153
on book exported, 272n 10
and books as means for circulation of
poetry, 219, 219n 139
on bookshops, 277
and dedications, 165, 174n20, 181 183
Epistles, 272 n10, 277, 277n25, 279
and fake letter in circulation, 281n 41
and fictive utterance, 148, 153 155,
160 162
on immortality of poet, 160 162,
168 n10, 183, 184
on importance of patron, 182 183
on inclusion within lyrical canon, 165,
Letters,153 155
Letter to Augustus,152 153
on library, 165
andludus/ludere, 127
Odes,148, 160 162, 165, 168n10,
181 184, 186
and performance of poetry, 202n55, 206
on publication, 122, 277, 277n25, 279
and reading, 194n26, 197, 197n3, 212,
213 n113, 218, 220 221, 220n144,
224 n155, 224n 156
and recitations, 203, 213n113, 218,
224 n 156
Satirae, 193 n23, 194n 26
on shopping district, 274
on singing, 184
use of ‘‘listening’’ in poetry of, 219n 142
on vocal performance, 183
on writing, 183, 184
horoi, 27
Hortensius,Annales,155 156
House B17 (Karanis), book collection from,
240 n 19
House of Fabius Rufus (Pompeii), 301n34,
306 307
House of Fabius Ululitremulus (Pompeii),
298 f,300 303, 300n 31
‘‘House of the Tragic Poet’’ (Pompeii),
299 n 25

Hueber, Friedmund, 77, 77n27, 86
Hunt, Arthur, 247.See alsoGrenfell and
Hunt’s literary finds
Hyginus, 276n 24

Ibycus, 258
‘‘ideographic’’ writing systems, 392
Iliad(Homer), 97 98
in Breccia 1932 collection, 257, 257n 64
and creation of Greek alphabet, 334
Ilias Latina,132 133
illocutionary force, 8, 401
and quoted expression, 394, 396, 398
and speech act verbs, 399
and subjectivity, 395 396
of utterance, 394
indirect quotation, 396
inscriptions, 4
at Antioch, 85n 51
at Bernardini tomb, 116n 11
as bilingual at Ephesos, 70, 70n7, 72, 74,
75 77, 75n25, 80 81, 80n35, 88
and creation of Old Persian script, 48
early examples of, 116
at Ephesos, 72, 72n12, 74, 75 77, 75n25,
80 81, 80n34, 80n35, 82 83, 82n43,
82 n44, 83, 85, 85n50, 89
and Greek influence on, 120n 22
on monuments, 48, 56, 61, 69
and Nestor’s cup, 116
on plaques, 15
on portable objects, 56
on possessions, 60, 61
and Praenestine fibula, 116n 11
and public space, 5
on retail objects, 55 56
from Roman Britain, 53n27, 54 56
and transliteration, 85n 51
instrumentum domesticum, 48 n6, 53, 53n26,
56 59, 64, 333, 346
Iphigeneia(Ennius), 322
Iran, and writing, 48
Isocrates, 17, 17n9, 32
Italy, and alphabet, 334, 335

Jews, and writing, 48
Judaism/Jewish writings, 346
Julianus, Antonius, 211
Julia the Elder, 74
jurors, and literacy, 23 24
Juvenal, 203n59, 206, 206n77, 324

Kallias decree, 39
Keitoukeitos, Ulpian known as, 100
Kellis, book collection from, 240n 19

General Index 421

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