Ancient Literacies

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Kerameikos, 18
Kleonymos decree, 38 39
ko^m Ali el Gamman.SeeOxyrhynchus

Laberius,Gemelli, 320
Laertius, Diogenes, 236n 13
La memoire perdue,61 62, 61n41, 63,
63 n 48
landowners, and writing, 52, 64
consciousness of, 390 391
disambiguation of, 135
and phonological awareness, 390 392
lapidary epigraphy, 55
Lapis Satricanus, 120, 333
Larensis, 96
Latin alphabet, 116, 334
latrunculi(‘‘little bandits’’), 126, 126n 45
law, 346 347
and archives, 334
and documentation, 63
Laws(Plato), 36n 49
lead letter, 15, 25, 333, 347
and commercial writing, 26
and crisis or circumstance letters, 25
lead tablet
from Camarina, 15
and commercial writing, 15n7, 26 28
from Corcyrean, 26
for curses, 15 16
from Pech Maho, 26 28
from Selinous, 15
from Sicilian Gela, 26
lector,187 188, 191, 199 200, 200n 50
legal system, 59
Letters(Horace), 153 155
Letter to Augustus(Horace), 152 153
letter writing, 307 308, 308n44, 308n 45
and crisis letter, 25
and standardized format, 57
Leucippe and Cleitophon(Achilles Tatius),
102 103
Libanius, 97 98, 97n 3
libraria(libraria taberna), asbookshop,269n4
as bookseller, 269, 269n 4
and evolution of book trade in Rome, 272
use of to record speeches, 279n 36
library, 144, 145, 270f,336 337, 347
and booklists, 237, 237n17, 241, 241n 23
and booksellers, 276n 23
and function of books, 152 153
grammarians at, 276, 276n 24
of gymnasia, 243n 26
organization of, 145, 146, 243, 243n 28

range of size of, 246n 40
role of in fate of book, 151, 152 153,
157 158, 160 162, 165, 166
See alsoLibrary of Celsus; Museum of
Alexandria; private library
Library of Celsus, 5, 78, 85, 243n 26
dedication of, 78, 78n31, 80, 82
as heroon, 80
influences on, 82n 41
inscriptions at, 5, 80 81, 80n34, 80n 35
sarcophagus at, 80, 80n 33
statues at, 81
style of, 82, 88
uses of, 82, 82n 42
Life of Lucullus(Plutarch), 283
Ligurinus, and recitations, 203, 204n69,
205 n 73
Linear A script, 347
Linear B script, 335, 347
list literacy, 16, 28 30, 38, 41, 42
lists, 31f, 32 f
public display of in Athens, 30 36, 38 39
literacy, 3 5, 9, 13 15, 341, 347, 387
and alphabet, 114n3, 334, 335
and alphabetic literacy, 114n 3
banking, 4, 16, 17 18, 42
cognitive implications of, 133, 385, 386,
389, 391, 397 399
commercial, 4, 16, 25 30, 41, 64, 341
cultural aspects of, 334, 393
functional, 16 17, 23, 28 30, 36, 42
as generalized, 56
metalinguistic theory of, 390, 391 393
and multiple literacies, 13, 52 53
of officials, 4, 37, 40 42
and orality, 99, 114, 333, 337 338
and oral performance, 98, 99 100, 111
and power dynamics, 339 340
and schooling, 389, 391
social aspects of, 5, 14 15, 49, 49n11,
321, 334, 341, 385, 387 389, 393
sociological definitions for, 3n 5
spread of, 48, 53, 59, 114n3, 334
and state, 5, 333
and UNESCO, 3n5, 13, 389
uses for, 46 47, 389, 390
literacy events, 3n 5
literacy hypothesis, 386 388, 393
criticism of, 388 390
literacy practices, 3n 5
literary community, inAttic Nights
(Gellius), 7, 320 323, 327, 329
literary culture, 125, 339
literary event inAttic Nights(Gellius),
322 323

422 General Index

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