Ancient Literacies

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

literary language, in Pompeian graffiti, 298
literary literacy, 7, 288 289
and house of Fabius Ululitremulus
(Pompeii), 301 302
literate culture, 341
literate/literary culture, 347 348
literate practices, 5, 386
and relationship with oral practices and
memory, 339, 340
The Literate Revolution in Greece and Its
Cultural Consequences(Havelock),
literate skills, 388
literature, 143, 329
of consumption, 339, 348
Lives of the Philosophers(Eunapius), 109
Lives of the Sophists(Philostratus), 104,
105 108
Lives(Plutarch), 110
Lives(Satyrus), 259
Ab Urbe Condita, 293
Annals, 148
Lollianus, L. Egnatius Victor, 86n 59
Lucian, 329n 15
Anacharsis, 235 n 11
in booklist, 235n11, 240
on booksellers, 275, 282n 43
Demonax, 101
On the Hall, 87 n 60
on making grammatical error, 99
on oral speech, 100
on reading aloud, 214n 116
Lucilius, 194n26, 212
Lucretius, 219n139, 324
lucubration, 323 324, 328
Lucullus, library of, 237n17, 241n26, 283
lusoriae tabulae,125 126, 125n41, 126n 44
Lycurgus, 32
lyric poetry, 340
Lysias,Against Agoratus,31

Macer, 203, 204n 67
Macrinus, Marcus Nonius, 88
Maecenas, 202n 58
Horace’sOdesdedicated to, 165,
181 183
manuscripts, 336
and useful life of, 248, 250 251
marginal notes.Seeannotations
Martial, 148, 193n23, 207n82, 346
on being plagiarized, 173 174n 17
on book fraud, 280
on bookrolls, 167n 6
and books, 207, 207n 81

and booksellers, 279, 279n 34
on bookshops, 277
on book trade worldwide, 217,
217 n 132
and oral performances of poetry, 205,
206, 206n 78
on publishing, 277n 26
on reading, 196 197, 204, 223n 153
on shopping district, 274
Mazaeus, 72, 72n12, 72n 14
McLuhan, Marshall, 386
measures, 59
medicine, 348
Meleager, 174n20, 175n 23
Melissus, 276n 24
Memorabilia(Xenophon), 109
memory, 339 341, 348
training of, 339
Menander, 236, 240n20, 259
Menippean Satires(Varro), 284, 300
metalinguistic theory of literacy, 390,
391 393
Metamorphoses(Ovid), 168n 10
Metrodora, Claudia, 75 77
militarydiplomata,54, 55
military writings, 63
mimes, 202n55, 213 214
mimesis, 124 125
Mithridates, 72, 72n12, 72n 14
monetary system, 59
Monobiblos(Propertius), 135
Montanus, Julius, 202n 59
mousike,339, 348
Museum of Alexandria, library in, 145 148,
243, 337
‘‘Myron’s Cow,’’ 147 148
mythology collections, as anecdote, 108,
108 n 26

naı ̈ve reading, 400
name literacy, 16, 18 19, 21 23, 36, 42
Nepos, Cornelius, 151 152, 164 165, 168,
168 n8, 174 175, 178, 179, 181,
224 n 155
Nero, 75, 202n55, 205n74, 206n 76
Neronian Hall (Ephesos), 77, 85
Nerva’s Forum, 271
Nestor’s cup, 116
The NeworStrange History (Paradoxos
Historia) (Ptolemaius Chennus),
108 n 26
Nicolet, Claude, 61n 41
Nigrinus, 240, 240n 21
Novel of Ninus, 251
novels, 251, 251n 53

General Index 423

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