Ancient Literacies

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Odes(Horace), 186
and dedication to Maecenas, 165,
181 183
and fictive utterance, 148, 160 162
on immortality of poet, 160 162,
168 n10, 183, 184
on inclusion within lyrical canon, 165,
on library, 165
on vocal performance, 183, 184
on writing, 183, 184
in booklists, 239n2, 239n 4
and creation of Greek alphabet, 334
officials’ literacy, 4, 37, 40 42
Olbia letter, 25
‘‘oligoliterate’’ culture, 190 191, 191n 13
On Agriculture(Cato), 51, 64
Ong, Walter, 3, 9, 386
On the Hall(Lucian), 87n 60
On the Mysteries(Andocides), 32 33
On the Nature of Animals(Aelian), 102,
103, 108
oral circulation, 111, 187 191, 193
oral communication, 192
oral composition, 192
oral culture, 190 191, 191n13, 348 349
oral epic poetry, 335
orality, 348 349
chronology of in Rome, 189n 7
in Greece, 333
and literacy, 114, 333
origins of Greek alphabet, 334
progression from ideal of, 97 98
in terms of Homeric Question, 341
oral performance
and anecdote, 111
book as presenting, 147
inIliad,97 98
and literacy, 98, 99 100, 111, 114
of poetry, 6, 187, 188 189,
189 n6 189n8, 192n19, 205, 206,
206 n78, 219, 224
of poetry and difference from theatrical
performance, 188, 203
and reading from written text, 193
and rhetorical performance, 98
and view of circulation of literature
through, 187, 188 191
oral poetry, 333
oral practices, 5, 339, 340
oral society, Rome as, 187 188
oral speech, 99, 107 108
oral tradition
and literacy, 337 338

and writing, 333, 387
oral transmission, 192, 193
oratory, 217, 217n133, 217n135, 325
Osteria dell’Osa, 116
Ostia relief, 280n39, 281f
ostracism, 18
ostraka, 18 22f,21 22, 28 30, 29f, 349
spelling on, 19, 22 23
Otranto, Rosa, booklists complied by,
234 237, 237n15, 238 239t, 240
Amores, 167 n 7
and anxieties about written word, 165n 3
Ars Amatoria, 126 n45, 160
and books, 156 158, 219, 219n 139
and bookseller, 279, 279n 35
elegiac poetry of, 114, 158
and epigram, 167n 7
Ex Ponto, 160
and fictive utterance, 158 160
on immortality of poet, 168n 10
Metamorphoses, 168 n 10
and poems of exile, 159
in Pompeian graffiti, 298n24, 298 299
on private library, 158, 160
and public performance of poetry,
201 202, 202n55, 206
and reading, 204n67, 222 224, 223n 152
on recitations, 218, 219n 141
on sequence of poetry into books, 208n 85
Tristia,156 160, 186
use of ‘‘listening’’ in poetry of, 219n 142
use ofquisquis amatby, 302n 35
on Vergil, 203n 59
Oxyrhynchus, 349
authors frequently mentioned in papyri
from, 240, 240n 20
fragments of bookrolls from, 247n41,
335 336
Grenfell and Hunt’s second find at, 255
and recycled documents, 257n 63
and specialist collection of astronomical
texts, 240n 22

paideia, and spread of literacy, 334
Palatine Anthology, epigrams of, 147 148
palindrome, 133, 133n 57
Pansa, Cuspius, 295n 21
andAeneid(Vergil) quoted in Pompeian
graffiti, 294 299, 302, 309
in Pompeian graffiti, 295f, 297 n23,
298 300, 301n 32
Pliny the Elder on dependence of on, 164
quality of, 171n 11

424 General Index

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