Ancient Literacies

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

poletai,34, 35f
politics, 350
and archives, 334
Pollio’s library, 276, 276n 23
Polybius, 63, 64
Pompeian graffiti, 7, 291, 291n 5
abbreviated words in, 297
Aeneid(Vergil) in, 7, 289 291, 294 309,
308 n44, 309 316
and cultural production, 309
dating of, 294 296
Eclogues(Vergil) in, 299, 316 317
election notices in, 291, 295f,295 298,
295 n21, 296 298, 297n23, 299 300,
301 n32, 302, 309
elegiac couplet in, 294, 301n 32
Ennius in, 299
and erotic content, 291
Georgics(Vergil) in, 299, 299n26, 317
hexameter in, 294, 300f,300 303
literary language in, 298 299, 301 302
literary literacy in, 301 302
literary range of, 294 295
‘‘literate landscape’’ in, 307
Ovid in, 298n24, 299
and practice writing, 307 308, 308n44,
308 n 45
Propertius in, 298n24, 299
prose in, 291, 299
quisquis amatin, 301 303, 301n33,
301 n34, 302
readers of, 291 292, 291n 9
signs in, 296
and sign writers, 296
and space filling, 290, 296, 302
transliteration in, 294n 19
Verrines(Cicero) in, 299n 25
words for verbal performance in, 298,
298 n24, 303 308
writers of, 291 292, 291n9, 292 294,
292 n10 292n14, 293n 15
Pompeii, 350
Pompeiian epigraphical verse, 114 115
Pompeius, 193n 23
Pompilianus, 126
Posidippus, 335, 337
Potentilla, Julia, 85, 85n 50
power dynamics, and literacy, 339 340
Praenestine fibula, 116n 11
predicate, 393 394
primary texts, 145
private library
of Cicero, 274n 16
of Lucullus, 237n17, 241n26, 283
Ovid on, 158, 160

papyrological evidence for, 6
role of in fate of book, 158, 160
in Rome, 144
of Sulla, 274n16, 276, 276n22, 278
from Villa of the Papyri at Herculaneum,
Probus, Valerius, 326
Propertius, 135, 153
and books as means for circulation of
poetry, 219
elegiac poetry of, 114
and fictive utterance, 160
Monobiblos, 135
and oral performance, 206
in Pompeian graffiti, 298n24, 298 299
on reading, 218, 221 222, 222n 148
and recitations, 203
and tradition of orally transmitted verse,
use of ‘‘listening’’ in poetry of, 219n 142
use ofquisquis amatby, 302n 35
propositional content, 393 394, 398, 401
propylon, ‘‘Hadrian’s Gate’’ at Ephesos as,
82 83, 82n 44
prose, in graffiti, 291, 299
Prytaneis, 39
Pseudolus(Plautus), 129
Ptolemais, Aurelia, 250n
Ptolemaius Chennus, 108, 108n 26
Ptolemy I, 145
Ptolemy II, 81n37, 145
Ptolemy III, 145
of books, 278, 336, 343
and booksellers, 278, 279, 279n 34
Horace on, 122, 277, 277n25, 279
and immortality of poet, 160 162,
164 165, 168n10, 183, 184
Martial on, 277n 26
recitation as precursor to, 208 210,
209 n88, 213
Roman meaning of, 169n
See alsobook
public land administration archives, 334
public life, 339, 350
public officials, literacy of, 4, 37, 40 42
public performance, of poetry, 201 202,
201 n53, 202, 202n55, 206
See alsooral performance
pure thought, 8, 393 397
Pythagoras, 101

Quadrigarius, Claudius,Annales, 320
Quinn, Kenneth
onAeneid(Vergil), 189

426 General Index

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