Ancient Literacies

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

scholarship, 350
and role of writing in development of, 340
cognitive implications of, 389, 391
and literacy, 398
science, 349
and role of writing in development of, 340
Scipiones, 120
scriba, 269 n 4
scribal literacy, 47
scribes, 47 48, 255
and annotations, 259
and Breccia 1932 find, 257n 64
and Grenfell and Hunt’s finds, 252 254t,
255 256, 256n56 256n58, 257 258,
257 n63, 258n66, 259, 260
and ostraka, 18 19
Second Sophists, 97n 3
and anecdote, 111 112
in Ephesos, 86 88
and linguistic performance, 99, 107 108
and oral performance, 98
Secundus, 279n 34
Selinous, 15
Seneca the Elder, 193n 23
Seneca the Younger, 135n 64
on bookshops, 277 278, 278n 29
onchreia, 105 n 23
on lucubration, 324
on reading, 196n29, 197, 197n35,
197 n36, 204, 204n 67
Septuagint, 145
Sestius, 280
Severus, 198, 198n42, 207
sibylline books, 144
Sicilian Gela lead tablet, 26
Sicily, 15
Sigillaria, 271n 8
sillyboi,243, 243n 28
Simon, 239n 5
singing, in poetry, 175 177, 179 181, 184
slaves, 59, 59n 36
as extension of master, 121 122
and writing, 25, 52, 122
‘‘slow writer,’’ 23, 28
social aspects
of literacy, 14 15, 49, 49n11, 321, 334,
341, 385, 388 389, 393
of writing, 5, 9, 61, 117, 119, 120,
123 124, 136, 333, 339, 386 387
Socrates, 96, 109
Solon, 346
song, 348
‘‘song culture,’’ 341
Sophocles, 258 260

Sosius brothers, and Horace, 153, 268, 279
South Gate of the Agora, Ephesos.SeeGate
of Mazaeus and Mithridates (Ephesos)
Sparta, 350
and awareness of language, 391
functions of, 395
and poetry, 175
and reading, 114, 123
and writing, 5, 8, 114, 122, 123, 123n32,
135, 136, 149, 165n3, 303 304, 387,
395, 398, 401
speech acts, theory of, 393 394
Spurinna, 199 200, 204n67, 205n 70
and documentation, 49, 49n10, 63,
63 n48, 64
and literacy, 5, 52 53, 333
and writing, 5, 47 50, 55, 61 62, 64
Statius, 274
Stilo, Aelius, 251n 51
Stoicism, 135, 135n 64
stone epigraphy, 53
subjectivity, 401
and illocutionary force, 395 396
language of, 399
rise of in modern novels, 395
and writing, 393
Suetonius, 63n47, 171n11, 210n95,
276 n24, 279
De grammaticis, 285
Suffenus, 149, 170 172, 179
Sulla, 150 151
private library of, 274n16, 276, 276n22,
Susa, Italy, arch of, 74, 74n 17
syllabic scripts, 335
as disconnected from speech, 135
and language, 124 125
Symposium(Plato), 109 110, 235, 246
Sympotic Questions(Plutarch), 109 110

tabulae iliacae,127, 128f, 129
Tabula Iliaca Capitolina, 127, 128f, 129
tabula lusoria, 134
Tacitus, 205n74, 206n76, 217n131, 324
technical writing, 340, 351
Temple of Apollo, library of, 276
Temple of Peace, library of, 276
Terracina, election notice from, 297n 22
tesserae nummulariae,118, 118n,119,
121 122
theatrical performance, 188, 203, 205
Theocritus, 258

428 General Index

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