Ancient Literacies

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

writing (continued)
and ostracism, 18
performative aspect of, 338
and poetry, 189n 7
for practice, 297 298
preservation of, 145
and quoted expression, 8, 394, 398
and reading, 114, 123, 338 339
representing oral event in Pompeian
graffiti, 298, 298n 24
and ritualization, 121, 123 124
in Roman Britain, 54 56
social aspects of, 5, 9, 117, 119, 120,
123 124, 136, 333, 339, 386 387
sources of, 119, 119t
and speech, 5, 8, 114, 122, 123, 123n32,
135, 136, 149, 165n3, 303 304, 387,
393, 395, 398, 401

spread of, 50 51
and state, 5, 47 50, 55, 61 62, 64
and subjectivity, 399
uses for, 4, 14 15, 37 38, 117 119, 121,
342, 388
and visual/verbal interplay, 135
and word games, 135 136
writing/writers, 351 352
written composition, as freeing language
from speech act, 395
written contracts, 26 28

Xenophon, 109, 110, 236, 239n 6
Memorabilia, 109

Zenodotos, 69
Zmyrna(Cinna), 155 156, 165, 169 170,

430 General Index

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