Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 1193

death I:23, 24
ethics I:28–29
individual and society I:58
Oedipus Rex III:1006, 1007
pride I:83
Arnold, Matthew I:38
arrogance II:488, 654
House of Mirth III:1131
Importance of Being Earnest III:1141
John Keats II:640, 641, 643
Mumbo Jumbo III:898
Picture of Dorian Gray III:1146
Remembrance of Things Past III:891
Tripmaster Monkey II:664
Asian Americans II:663–666;
As I Lay Dying (Faulkner) II:423–425
assimilation II:785, 811, 812
As You Like It (Shakespeare) I:106;
“Atlanta Address” (Washington) I:379
Atlas Shrugged (Rand) III:894, 895
At Swim-Two-Birds (O’Brien) I:30
Attachment, Separation, and Loss (Bowlby)
“At the Northern Palace” (Kingston)
Atwood, Margaret I:175–181
community I:20
Handmaid ’s Tale I:175–178
parenthood I:81
responsibility I:93–94
Surfacing I:178–181
Auden, W. H. I:43; III:1187
Augustine of Hippo, Saint I:21, 92, 98,
Austen, Jane I:185–196
Emma I:185–189
pride I:83–84
Pride and Prejudice I:189–193
regret I:87
rejection I:90
Sense and Sensibility I:193–196
“Author’s Apology for His Book, The”
(Bunyan) I:239
“Author’s Profession of Faith, The” (Paine)
autobiographical novel
Bell Jar III:869–873
To Kill a Mockingbird II:701–704
Remembrance of Things Past
Tree Grows in Brooklyn III:994–997
Woman Warrior II:667–670
autobiographical play III:846–850

autobiographical short story II:486
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Black Boy III:1180–1183
Confessions of St. Augustine I:181–185
David Copperf ield I:335, 337
Education of Henry Adams I:130–133
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Interesting Narrative of the Life of
Olaudah Equiano I:404–407
Narrative of the Captivity and
Restoration of Mrs. Mary
Rowlandson III:907–911
Up from Slavery III:1116–1119
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, The
(Franklin) I:8; II:459–462
Autobiography of Malcolm X (Haley and
Malcolm X) II:504–508
Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, The
(Gaines) II:465–470
“Avey” (Toomer) III:1077
Awakening, The (Chopin) I:37, 281–284
Back, Les I:84
Bacon, Francis I:96
Baldwin, James I:196–199; III:1185
Bambara, Toni Cade I:200–202
Baraka, Amiri (Leroi Jones) I:85;
“Barbie-Q” (Cisneros) I:288
Barney, Richard A. I:27
“Bartleby, the Scrivener” (Melville)
baseball II:728–732
Bean Trees, The (Kingsolver) II:656–659
“Because I Could Not Stop for Death”
(Dickinson) I:348
Beckett, Samuel I:51
“Becky” (Toomer) III:1077
beggars II:776, 777
Beggar’s Opera, The (Gay) I:49;
behavior II:718, 719
Behn, Aphra I:202–206
“Belle Dame sans Merci, La” (Keats)
Bell Jar, The (Plath) I:57; III:869–873
Bellow, Saul I:206–209
Beloved (Morrison) II:792–796
grief I:44
guilt I:46
identity I:55

Bend in the River, A (Naipaul)
Beowulf (anonymous) I:59, 163–167
Best American Short Stories 1982 (Gardner,
ed.) I:261–265
betrayal III:856
Between Pacif ic Tides (Ricketts)
Bible, the
abandonment I:1
Age of Reason III:860
alienation I:4
ambition I:5
“Bartleby, the Scrivener” II:756
Beowulf I:165
“Civil Disobedience” III:1058, 1059
Confessions of St. Augustine I:182
Crime and Punishment I:359, 360
Doctor Faustus II:735
Dubliners II:633
freedom I:36
futility I:39
guilt I:45
hope I:50
Inherit the Wind II:699, 701
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Moby-Dick II:761
Narrative of the Captivity and
Restoration of Mrs. Mary
Rowlandson III:910–911
nature I:74
oppression I:77
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit
III:1163, 1166
Paradise Lost II:771
parenthood I:79
Pilgrim’s Progress I:239, 240, 242
Of Plymouth Plantation I:226–228
rejection I:89
religion I:91
Robinson Crusoe I:326, 327
“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry
God” I:381, 382
Slaughterhouse-Five III:1111
survival I:113
Uncle Tom’s Cabin III:1039
Wise Blood III:841–843
work I:120
“Bien Pretty” (Cisneros) I:290
Bierce, Ambrose I:209–212
Bigelow, John II:459
Big Money, The (Dos Passos) I:355–358
Catcher in the Rye III:919
coming of age I:12
education I:27
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