Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 1211

Bean Trees II:658–659
Bless Me, Ultima I:155
Call of the Wild II:715–718
Candide III:1104
Cannery Row III:1010
Cat’s Cradle III:1110
“Day grew small, surrounded tight”
Emily Dickinson I:349–350
Divine Comedy I:313–314
Ethan Frome III:1127
Robert Frost II:463
Grapes of Wrath III:1013
“How happy is the little stone” I:350
“I dreaded that first Robin so” I:350
“I have never seen ‘Volcanoes’” I:350
“I heard a fly buzz when I died” I:350
John Keats II:642–643
“Lines Composed a Few Miles above
Tintern Abbey” III:1177
“Lines Composed a Few Miles above
Tintern Abbey” III:1178–1179
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Lord of the Flies II:491, 492, 494
Martian Chronicles I:222, 224–225
In Memoriam A. H. H. III:1055
Midsummer Night’s Dream
My Ántonia I:266–267
“Narrow Fellow in the Grass, A” I:349
Notes on the State of Virginia
Old Man and the Sea II:550–551
“Open Boat” I:305–307
O Pioneers! I:268–269
Out of Africa I:352–353
The Pearl III:1020–1021
Picture of Dorian Gray III:1145–1147
Playboy of the Western World III:1046
Red Badge of Courage I:310
Red Pony III:1024–1025
“reticent volcano keeps, The” I:350
“Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the”
Room with a View II:453–454
“Self-Reliance” I:402–403
Percy Bysshe Shelley III:981, 983
“Solemn-Torrid-Symbol, The” I:350
Songs of Innocence and of Experience
spirituality I:104
“still-Volcano-Life, A” I:350
Surfacing I:180–181
survival I:114
“There came a wind like a bugle”

“There is a pain-so utter” I:350
“To my quick ear the Leaves-
conferred” I:349
“To pile like Thunder at its close”
Walden III:1060–1062
White Fang II:719–720
“Wind, The” I:349
“Wind that Rose, A” I:350
William Butler Yeats III:1189
Nature (Emerson) I:75
Naylor, Gloria III:827–830
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
Night III:1136–1140
Painted Bird II:676–680
Tin Drum II:498, 501
Neely, Carol Thomas I:41–42
neighborhood I:19
Neihardt, John G. I:212
Nervous Conditions (Dangaremba) I:27
“Never Give All the Heart” (Yeats)
New Atlantis, The (Bacon) I:96
New Historicism I:42, 53
New Orleans, Louisiana III:1157–1160
New Testament
Crime and Punishment I:360
Paradise Lost II:771
Of Plymouth Plantation I:226, 227
Wise Blood III:841
New World III:968, 969
New York City III:1123–1126
New York Drama Critics’ Circle Award
Nice Work (Lodge) I:153
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Anthem III:895
freedom I:37
guilt I:45
heroism I:47–48
individual and society I:58
Night (Wiesel) I:77, 111; III:1136–1140
Night of the Broken Glass, The II:500, 501
nihilism III:1077–1079, 1082
Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell) I:67, 81;
1919 (Dos Passos) I:357
Nobel Prize
William Faulkner II:432
Gabriel García Márquez II:473
Ernest Hemingway II:548
Toni Morrison II:803
George Bernard Shaw III:973
John Steinbeck III:1012
noble savage I:202; II:623

“No Name Woman” (Kingston) II:667
nonconformity III:1093–1095
nonviolence I:119
North and South (Gaskell) II:477–481
“No Second Troy” (Yeats) III:1187–1189
Nosferatu (film) III:1032
memory I:70
My Ántonia I:266
One Hundred Years of Solitude II:476
Rabbit, Run III:1096
“Notes” (O’Brien) III:835
Notes on the State of Virginia ( Jefferson)
Anthem III:894–897
Daisy Miller II:611–614
Heart of Darkness I:298–301
As I Lay Dying II:423–425
Life in the Iron Mills I:318–321
Oroonoko; or, The Royal Slave
The Pearl III:1018–1022
The Stranger I:246–250
Sula II:803–806
Adventures of Augie March I:206–209
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Age of Innocence III:1122–1126
All the Pretty Horses II:739–742
Almanac of the Dead III:984–987
American Pastoral III:904–907
American Tragedy, An I:369–373
Animal Farm III:850–853
Annie John II:649–652
Anthills of the Savannah I:123–126
Awakening I:281–284
Bean Trees II:656–659
Bell Jar III:869–873
Beloved II:792–796
Bend in the River III:818–823
“Billy Budd, Sailor” II:756–759
Bingo Palace I:408–411
Bless Me, Ultima I:154–157
Bluest Eye II:796–799
Brown Girl, Brownstones II:735–739
Buddha of Suburbia II:683–688
Burger’s Daughter II:494–497
Call of the Wild II:715–718
Candide III:1103–1106
Cannery Row III:1008–1012
Catcher in the Rye III:918–921
Cat’s Cradle III:1106–1110
Ceremony III:988–991
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