Research Guide to American Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Seventeen (2006), and Ballistics (2008). See the topic devoted to him in Part III
of this volume.

T. S. Eliot (1888–1965)
American-born poet, critic, and dramatist who won the Nobel Prize in literature
and the Order of Merit in 1948. His works include The Love Song of J. Alfred
Prufrock (1915), The Waste Land (1922), The Hollow Men (1925), Ash Wednesday
(1930), Four Quartets (1943), Murder in the Cathedral (1935), and The Cocktail
Party (1949).

Dana Gioia (1950– )
Poet associated with New Formalism. He served as the chairman of the National
Endowment for the Arts from 2003 to 2009 and is the author of Daily Horoscope
(1982), The God of Winter (1991), and Interrogations at Noon (2001), which won
an American Book Award in 2002.

Jorie Graham (1951– )
Poet, the author of Hybrids of Plants and of Ghosts (1980), Erosion (1983), The End
of Beauty (1987), Region of Unlikeness (1991), Materialism (1993), The Errancy
(1997), Swarm (2000), Never (2002), and Sea Change (2008). Her collection The
Dream of the Unif ied Field: Selected Poems, 1974–1994 (1995) received the Pulitzer
Prize in 1996.

Marilyn Hacker (1942– )
Poet, was awarded the National Book Award in 1975 for her first collection of
poetry, Presentation Piece (1974). Her other works include Separations (1976),
Taking Notice (1980), Assumptions (1985), Love, Death and the Changing of the
Seasons (1986), Going Back to the River (1990), The Hang-Glider’s Daughter: New
and Selected Poems (1991), Selected Poems (1994), Winter Numbers: Poems (1995),
Squares and Courtyards (2000), Desesperanto: Poems 1999–2002 (2003), and Essays
on Departure: New and Selected Poems (2006).

Joy Harjo (1951– )
Member of the Muscogee Creek tribe who is a poet, playwright, and musician (her
band is Poetic Justice). Her books include The Last Song (1975), In Mad Love and
War (1990), The Woman Who Fell from the Sky (1994), The Spiral of Memory: Inter-
views (1996), A Map to the Next World: Poems and Tales (2000), The Good Luck Cat
(2000), and How We Became Human: New and Selected Poems 1975–2001 (2002).

Jane Hirshfield (1953– )
Poet and author of Alaya (1982), Of Gravity and Angels (1988), The October Pal-
ace (1994), The Lives of the Heart (1997), Nine Gates: Entering the Mind of Poetry
(1997), Given Sugar, Given Salt (2001), After (2006), and Hiddenness, Uncertainty,
Surprise: Three Generative Energies of Poetry (2008).

Susan Howe (1937– )
Poet associated with the L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E school of poetry and with Post-
modernism. Her works include Singularities (1990), The Nonconformist’s Memorial

Poetry—Debates and Developments 12
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