Encyclopedia of the Harlem Literary Renaissance

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Stein, Judith. The World of Marcus Garvey: Race and
Class in Modern Society.Baton Rouge: Louisiana
State University Press, 1986.
Stephens, Michelle. “Black Transnationalism and the
Politics of National Identity: West Indian Intellec-
tuals in Harlem in the Age of War and Revolution.”
American Quarterly50, no. 3 (1988): 592–608.

Garvin, Charles H.(1891–1968)
The first African-American physician to be com-
missioned in the U.S. Army, Garvin was born in
Jacksonville, Florida, to Charles and Theresa
Garvin on 27 October 1891. In 1920 he married
Rosalind West, and the couple had two sons. Fol-
lowing education in the Florida public schools,
Garvin earned his B.A. from HOWARDUNIVER-
SITYin 1911 and his M.D. from the Howard Uni-
versity Medical School in 1915. He was secretary,
and later president, of the Alpha Phi Alpha Frater-
nity from 1912 through 1914.
Following internships at the Freedman’s Hos-
pital in WASHINGTON, D.C., he established him-
self in private practice in Cleveland, Ohio. In 1920
he began an affiliation with the Lakeside Hospital
and Dispensary of the Western Reserve University.
In addition to participating in professional
medical organizations such as the Cleveland
Academy of Medicine and the American Medical
Association, Garvin joined the board of the NA-
TIONALURBANLEAGUE. He published articles in
his area of medical expertise and also contributed
related works for lay readers in OPPORTUNITY.
These included “White Plague and Black Folk” in
August 1913 and “Immunity to Disease Among
Dark Skinned Peoples” in August 1926.
Garvin left private practice to join the U.S.
Army as the first commissioned black physician.
Overseas for nearly one year, he served as captain
in the Medical Corps, worked with the 367th In-
fantry, and was the commanding officer of the
368th Ambulance Corp. His efforts were recorded
first by Ralph Tyler, a fellow Ohioan and the first
black war correspondent in the world, and then by
Emmett Scott in Scott’s Official History of the
American Negro in the World War(1919).
Garvin’s civic and political work included par-
ticipation in the Republican Party. He was part of the
Cleveland committee that welcomed those attend-

ing the party’s national convention in 1923. In 1950
he and John Henrik Clarke, Rosa Guy, and John
Oliver Killens founded the Harlem Writers Guild, a
literary organization that is still thriving today.

Wilson, Sondra Kathryn, ed. The Opportunity Reader:
Stories, Poetry, and Essays from the Urban League’s
Opportunity Magazine.New York: The Modern Li-
brary, 1999.
Yenser, Thomas, ed. Who’s Who in Colored America.New
York: Thomas Yenser, 1937.

George, Maude Roberts(ca. 1892–ca. 1945)
An arts advocate, teacher, and music critic for the
she taught at her alma mater, Walden University,
formerly known as Central Tennessee College and
the school from which Meharry Medical College
emerged, in Nashville, Tennessee.
In 1935 George was the seventh president of
the National Association of Negro Musicians
(NANM), an organization established in 1919. It is
the oldest organization dedicated to the study and
appreciation of African-American music. In 1919
the contralto Marian Anderson was the first artist
to receive an NANM scholarship.
George is credited for her tireless efforts to in-
troduce classical music to students and communi-
ties of color. The final NANM convention over
which she presided concluded with a rousing con-
cert at the Juilliard School and included perfor-
mances by the Bronx Symphony Orchestra and the
pioneering African-American composer and soloist
Florence Price.

Lovett, Bobby. “Walden University.” Tennessee State
University Libraries and Media Centers. Available
online. URL: http://www.tnstate. edu/library/digital/
walden.htm. Accessed May 20, 2005.
“Negro Musicians Elect.” New York Times,30 August
1935, 13.

Georgia NiggerJohn Spivak(1932)
Published in 1932 by investigative journalist JOHN
SPIVAK. Spivak joined the ranks of other white

180 Garvin, Charles H.

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