Eagleton, Terry - How to Read Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
I n d e x

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imitation and postmodernism 180
implication and interpretation 130,
individuals/individualism 49, 51–2,
54–8, 60, 61, 63–4
inference and interpretation 130,
139–40, 147–8
innocent characters 53–4, 160
innovation see originality
interpretation 43–4, 117–74
and ambiguity 123, 141
and assumptions 147–8
authors and meaning 134–5
‘Baa baa black sheep’ case study
128–34, 138, 139, 140–1,
143–4, 147
case study of Charles Dickens’s Great
Expectations 149–67, 169
case study of J.K. Rowling’s Harry
Potter novels 168–74
and context 117–20, 126–7, 141–2,
146, 183
and evidence 139–43, 147
experience and self- expression 135–9
fact and fiction 121–3
modernist complexity and resistance
124–5, 127–8
multiple meanings 144–7
and timeless literature 183–4
inversion of syntax 30
Irishness 36–40
Anglo- Irish authors 85
Irish types as narrators 87–8
and language 127
irony 13, 21–2

James, Henry 115, 123, 126
The Ambassadors 124
‘The Art of Fiction’ 103
The Turn of the Screw 84, 139–40
The Wings of the Dove 14, 124–5
What Maisie Knew 85
James, P.D. 115
Jobs, Steve 192
Johnson, Samuel 50, 57, 176, 179,
184, 188
Jonah 134

Jonson, Ben 190
Joyce, James 99, 180
Finnegans Wake 69, 127, 179
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
82, 115
Ulysses 66, 67, 69, 110, 125, 191
Jude the Obscure see under Hardy, Thomas
Kafka, Franz 115
Keats, John, ‘To Autumn’ 25–7
Kermode, Frank 16
King, Edward 31, 32–3
‘knowingness’ 14
John Updike’s prose 194
and meaning 142
and modernist narrative 107–8
Kundera, Milan
The Book of Laughter and Forgetting
labour movement in Charles Dickens’s
Hard Times 95
accent and Victorian values 151
generic terms 54–5, 57
and interpretation 124–6, 131, 137
Irish authors writing in English 37,
literary criticism and sensitivity
to 44
and literary value 192–3, 193–206
and poetry 3, 192, 203–6
and realist literature 125–6, 131,
and reality 126, 127–8
Larkin, Philip 192
‘The Trees’ 27
‘The Whitsun Weddings’ 27–8
Lawrence, D.H. 67–8, 71, 76,
100–1, 157
Lady Chatterley’s Lover 92
Sons and Lovers 91–2, 168
Women in Love 92
Lehrer, Tom 152
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 35–6
Lévi- Strauss, Claude 107
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