Eagleton, Terry - How to Read Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
I n d e x

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self- conscious effect 42, 193–4
self- expression and literature 135–9
setting see context
and character in Thomas Hardy’s
Jude the Obscure 71–5
double entendres 123
and narrator in Thomas Hardy’s Tess
of the D’Urbervilles 94
Shakespeare, William 138, 184
Coriolanus 61
Hamlet 19, 35, 63, 90–1, 121, 142,
182, 192
Julius Caesar 30, 142
King Lear 45, 181, 190
Macbeth 14, 15–17, 46, 49, 115
character of Lady Macbeth 46, 49
The Merchant of Venice 89–90, 142
A Midsummer Night’s Dream 102
Othello 61–3, 69, 116
character of Othello 61–3
sonnets 123, 136
The Tempest 6–7, 47, 48, 102, 136
Shields, Carol
The Republic of Love 201–3
simulacra and postmodernism 180
of authors and work 137–8
feeling and form 35
of middle- class values 165–6
social class
contrasts in Charles Dickens’s Oliver
Twist 165–6
and names in J.K. Rowling’s Harry
Potter novels 173–4
sincerity of middle- class in Charles
Dickens’s Oliver Twist 165–6
social criticism and narrative 94–8
Sophocles 60
Antigone 182
Oedipus the King 76, 136, 182
Sound of Music (film) 115
sound texture 25–6
specific and literary works 56, 57, 57–8,
Stendhal (Marie- Henri Beyle) 63
stereotypes 57, 88, 92

Sterne, Laurence
Tristram Shandy 52, 111–14,
subjectivity and value 188–9
surprise and Hardy’s characters 93
Swift, Jonathan 148–9
Gulliver’s Travels 65, 81, 84–5, 182
Swinburne, Algernon Charles
Atalanta in Calydon 203–4
synecdoche 48
Synge, J.M. 127
and dramatic effect in verse 29–30
modernist complexities 124–5,
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord
In Memoriam 184–5
theatre see plays
themes and interpretation 149, 152–9,
time and Biblical beginnings 18–19
timelessness and literary value 183–8,
Tolkien, J.R .R.
Lord of the Rings 190
Tolstoy, Leo 63
Anna Karenina 92, 100
tone 10–12
and ambiguity 141
totalitarianism 43
tradition see convention
Greek tragedy and character 58, 76
Lawrence’s disavowal of 100–1
truth and fiction writing 121–3
modernist pursuit of truth 110–11,
types and character 54–7, 87–8
uncanny and children 173
and character 54–5, 57–8
and timelessness of literature 185–7
unreliable narrators 84–8
Updike, John
Rabbit at Rest 193–4, 197
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