Eagleton, Terry - How to Read Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
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I n d e x

Utilitarianism in Charles Dickens’s Hard
Times 95

value 175–206
analysis of extracts 193–206
criteria for good literature 188–93
and enjoyment 188
and originality 175–81
and realist literature 181–2
and timelessness of literature 183–8
values see morality; virtue
verse see poetry
viewpoints see narrative
villains see rogues and villains
Virgil 60
Georgics 121
and Aristotelean moral values 59–60
narrative and reward of 101–2, 103
virtuous characters 50, 51, 52–4,

Waugh, Evelyn 65, 190
Decline and Fall 95–6
‘Mr Loveday’s Little Outing’
‘Tactical Exercise’ 194–5
Wilde, Oscar 55, 67, 83, 85, 190
Williams, William Carlos 192
and amorous narrators 94
character of Sue Bridehead 70–5
mermaid imagery 201–2
Woodhouse, Emma (character) see
under Austen, Jane, Emma
Woolf, Virginia 65, 67, 69, 110, 191
Mrs Dalloway 64
Wuthering Heights see under Brontë,
Yeats, W.B. 28
‘Easter 1916’ 135, 139
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