Crash Course AP Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Dream, but wage slavery and the oppression of capitalism turn their lives into

Tags: corruption, traditional values, symbolism, immigrant experience, evils of

Lord Jim by
Joseph Conrad,
published 1900

Genre: novel

Setting: Indonesia

Main characters: Jim (Lord Jim), Marlow

Main Plot/Idea/Concept: A young British seaman named Jim becomes first
mate on the Patna, a ship full of pilgrims traveling to Mecca. There is an
accident and Jim, along with the captain and some others in the crew, abandons
the ship and its passengers, a cowardly action for which he is eventually tried.
It is at the trial that he meets Marlow, a sea captain who becomes Jim’s friend
and mentor. Marlow is the story’s narrator. Jim’s life toggles between his
desire for redemption and his need to distance himself from the shame of his

Tags: quest, human weakness, redemption

Native Son by
Richard Wright,
published 1940

Genre: novel (social protest)

Setting: 1930s, Chicago

Main characters: Bigger Thomas, Mary Dalton, Jan Erlone, Boris Max
(narrated from Bigger’s perspective)

Main Plot/Idea/Concept: A young black man gets a job as a chauffeur for the
Daltons, a wealthy white family. Bigger accidentally kills Mary and he flees,
but is eventually caught and put on trial.

Tags: oppression of racism, anti-Semitism, Communism, justice,

A Passage to India
by E. M. Forster,
published 1924

Genre: political novel

Setting: Chandrapore, India, early 20th century

Main characters: Dr. Aziz, Mrs. Moore, Miss Adela Quested, Ronny Heaslop

Main Plot/Idea/Concept: Miss Quested accuses Dr. Aziz of attempting to
sexually assault her in the nearby Marabar Caves. Aziz suspects Fielding of
plotting against him with the English.

Tags: colonialism
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