Crash Course AP Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


An inherent disadvantage to youth is that it comes with a limited world view. Most high school students
have limited life experience. We cannot blame them for this, but as experience affects one’s ability to
conceive of complex literary themes, it is a matter worth addressing here. In addition, each of us, despite
our age, can work to broaden our experience so we can have an even fuller world view.

In addition to your age, your point of view is influenced by your
culture: ethnicity, religion, etc.
environment: urban, rural, specific region of the country
family values
economic status
actual life experiences: travel, personal interactions with people who are different from you, even
having been in love

These influences cause us to have particular biases. Everyone has biases. It is important for us to
recognize that fact and understand that our point of view and our biases affect how we read. To be good
critical readers, we must control and limit the effect of our biases.

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