Crash Course AP Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Sometimes, you will think that your ideas are clearly stated, when they’re actually only implicit
(implied). You need to make your ideas explicit, meaning you need to show exactly how and/ or why
what you say is so. Make connections. Make your ideas transparent. One of the biggest problems in
student essays is the existence of too many implied ideas.

If you (or your reader) are still asking the following questions about your essay, you have not fully
explained what you mean:

What is important or significant about this idea?
What does this have to do with the claim?

You should let your essay develop organically from what you know. There is no set number of
paragraphs expected for your AP essays, BUT avoid using the five-paragraph formula. It can be too
constrictive, and it may have you thinking more about the formula than your ideas. You may have three
body paragraphs, but you may have four, five, or even six. Your paragraphs do not have to be the same
length either. If you make your point in three sentences and need to move on to the next paragraph, then do
so. The next point you make may need seven sentences. Let your argument determine how you write.

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