Crash Course AP Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Before you answer the first question on the test, you must carefully read passages taken from novels or
expository prose or poems. The smart way to read is to read actively. Active reading means that you read
with a pen in hand, underlining key ideas, writing notes in the margin, connecting related thoughts and so
on. Using your pen actively as you read will help you to be fully focused on what you are reading. It will
help you to avoid the distraction that can cause your mind to wander. If you practice active reading, you
should only need to read an entire prose text once. However, it is advisable to read poems at least twice.
Poetry presents difficulties due to figurative language and indirect expression.

Whether you read a text once or twice, remember to read actively. Use whatever annotation techniques
you are comfortable with, but do mark the text as you read. This process of close and active reading will
help you remember what you’ve read and will help you identify key aspects of a particular text.

What to note/mark:
Circle and link related words. For example, five words with a sarcastic tone in a passage are worth
Underline key statements (anything that seems to be significant).
Any shift in speaker, point of view, tone, or purpose is important to note in the margin. Also jot
down what you think is happening because of this shift.
Write your own questions in the margin, even questions as simple as “why?” or “what does this
mean?” Your questions help you to think and may be answered as you read further, which will
provide a logical link for you.
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