Crash Course AP Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


While it sounds like common sense, read questions carefully. Be sure you know what a question is
asking for. Cursory reading creates careless errors. See chapter 16 for an analysis of question types.
As a matter of procedure, cross out answers that you know are wrong.
Many of the really tough questions provide two similar answers that you think are correct. In this
case, you must choose the most correct answer. “Most correct” means the answer is more precise or
more detailed. If another answer is only “sort of” right, then that is most likely not the one to choose.
Don’t overthink a question. Some questions are really, really easy. Many students think such an easy
question couldn’t possibly be on the exam, so they overthink it and get it wrong.
If you really don’t know the answer, but can eliminate two or more answers, taking a guess might be
better than skipping the question. You’ve already eliminated two answers so you have a 50% chance
of guessing right!
If the question asks you to identify ironic elements, the statement in the answer will reveal the irony.
In other words, the answer itself will sound ironic.
For EXCEPT questions, look for the one thing that doesn’t match the others.
Many questions are going to require a rereading of lines or paragraphs from the text. Do not avoid
this step. Your notes and markings of the text should help you navigate the text more efficiently as
you reread.
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