Crash Course AP Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


The third essay question on the AP Lit exam is open-ended. You are given a general prompt and
expected to apply that prompt to a literary work with which you are thoroughly familiar. I cannot impress
upon you enough the importance of choosing a novel or a play of literary merit. If you do not, you risk a
poor score.

You may believe that Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Breaking Dawn, or even Green
Eggs and Ham is the most profound book you have ever read and you might even believe that it perfectly
fits the prompt, but—and this is very important—if you choose such a book, you are taking a big risk. Not
only will you have to argue your thesis, but you will also need to argue that the text you have chosen is of
enduring literary quality. On the AP Lit exam you don’t have time for such an argument!

Not only that, the College Board is also testing your ability to read and understand a complex text.
While a great young adult novel might be engaging, it is probably not that complex. Choose your text
wisely. You might want to save yourself time and possible grief by choosing five to seven novels or plays
from the list that follows.

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