Classical Mythology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


and the bolts with flashes and thunder flew in succession from his stout hand
with a dense whirling of holy flame. Earth, the giver of life, roared, everywhere
aflame, and on all sides the vast woods crackled loudly with the fire. The whole
of the land boiled, and as well the streams of Ocean, and the barren sea. The hot
blast engulfed the earth-born Titans and the endless blaze reached the divine
aether; the flashing gleam of the thunder and lightning blinded the eyes even
of the mighty. Unspeakable heat possessed Chaos.
The sight seen by the eyes and the sound heard by the ears were as if earth
and wide heaven above collided; for the din as the gods met one another in strife
was as great as the crash that would have arisen if earth were dashed down by
heaven falling on her from above. The winds mingled the confusion of tremor,
dust, thunder, and the flashing bolts of lightning (the shafts of great Zeus), and
carried the noise and the shouts into the midst of both sides. The terrifying
clamor of fearful strife arose, and the might of their deeds was shown forth.
They attacked one another and fought relentlessly in mighty encounters until
the battle was decided.
The Hecatonchires (Cottus, Briareus, and Gyes), insatiate of battle, were
among the foremost to rouse the bitter strife; they hurled three hundred rocks,
one right after another, from their staunch hands and covered the Titans with a
cloud of missiles and sent them down far beneath the broad ways of the earth
to Tartarus and bound them in harsh bonds, having conquered them with their
hands even though they were great of spirit. The distance from earth to gloomy
Tartarus is as great as that of heaven from earth.

The Hecatonchires guarded the Titans imprisoned in Tartarus. Atlas was
punished with the task of holding up the sky. In some accounts, when Zeus be-
came secure in power he eventually relented and gave the Titans their freedom.

lapetus m. Clymene

Prometheus r~

Deucalion^1 IT



l. Pyrrha


Figure 4.1.

Epimetheus T



~1 Xuthus


Atlas 1

~l Achaeus
Family of Prometheus

Menoetius 1

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