Classical Mythology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


birth Athena was reared by Triton (presumably the god of this body of water,
wherever it may be). Now Triton had a daughter named Pallas, and Athena and
the girl used to practice the arts of war together. But on one occasion they quar-
reled and, as Pallas was about to strike Athena, Zeus intervened on behalf of his
daughter by interposing the aegis. Pallas was startled, and Athena took advan-
tage of her surprise and wounded and killed her. Athena was distraught when

Pallas Athena. By Gustav Klimt (1862-1918); oil on canvas, 2972 X 2972 in. Klimt focuses
on the latent energy of the warrior goddess, while giving a new interpretation to her tra-
ditional attributes of helmet, grey eyes, owl, Gorgon and aegis, spear, and Nike (who is
painted as a naked woman with red hair). The gold highlights (Klimt was the son of a
gold engraver) again reinterpret the gold and ivory of Pheidias' statue. (Vienna, His-
torisches Museum der Stadt Wien.)
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