Classical Mythology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Medusa, by Harriet Hosmer (1830-1908). Marble, 1854; height 27 in. Hosmer emphasizes
the beauty and the pathos of Medusa, whereas most artists, ancient and modern, have
preferred to focus on the horror of the Gorgon's head. A visitor to her studio said, "To
fulfill the true idea of the old myth, Medusa should be wonderfully beautiful, but I never
saw her so represented before." (© The Detroit Institute of Arts, Founders' Society Purchase,
Robert H. Tannahill Foundation Fund.)

delivered the hero dear to her from these labors, she made the music of the flutes
with its many notes, so that with instruments she might imitate the loud-sounding
lamentation that was forced from the hungry jaws of Euryale.^8 This was the god-
dess' invention, but she gave it to mortals and called it "the music of many
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