Classical Mythology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Perseus and Andromeda. By Titian (ca. 1477-1576): oil canvas, 1554-1556, 70 l/ 2 X 773 /4 in.
For six centuries the subject of Andromeda has been a favorite vehicle for painters' in-
terpretations of the theme of "Beauty and the Beast." Titian correctly gives Perseus winged
sandals and harpe. In many versions Perseus is confused with Bellerophon and rides on
the winged horse, Pegasus. (London, Wallace Collection.)

the land. Cepheus consulted the oracle of Zeus Ammon and learned that the
monster could be appeased only if Andromeda were offered to it, chained to a
rock. Cepheus obeyed; but at this point, Perseus came on the scene and under-
took to kill the monster if he could marry Andromeda. Making use of his san-
dals and cap, Perseus killed the beast with Hermes' scimitar and released

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