Classical Mythology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

The Farnese Hercules. Marble copy by Glycon, early third century A.D., of an original by
Lysippus, mid-fourth century B.C.; height 125 in. This huge statue was found in the Baths
of Caracalla at Rome, for which it had been specially copied. The weary hero leans on
his club, which rests on a stump over which the lionskin is draped. His vast body is burst-
ing with mountainous muscles. It has been suggested (by M. Robertson) that he is "an
athlete in decay"; more likely his stance is one of weariness after his labors. (Museo Arche-
ologico Nazionale, Naples, Italy/Alinari/Art Resource, New York.)

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